Words of Wisdom

I normally nuke just about every piece of random e-mail I get (and I get a lot), but I got one today that I actually thought was worth sharing…however, rather than send it out to everyone on my e-mail address book (which, to be honest, I find incredibly annoying much of the time), I thought I’d just post it here. So, here ya go!

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Babies are so darn cute

Guess I get one more post for the evening. Miranda had a beautiful little girl on Christmas Eve, and she just sent me a picture of the little munchkin! Unfortunately, the link to the baby pic didn’t stick around forever — but take my word for it, she’s a cutie!

High Fidelity Imposters Dream of Hallmark

I’d actually managed to go through a couple release days without anything catching my eye enough to spend money on — miracles never cease, eh? I’d thought about picking up Hollow Man, but I think I’ll leave that one firmly in the ‘renter’ category. The effects are great, and the first half of the movie is very promising…unfortunately, the second half blows. A lot. It has, however, prompted a very interesting discussion over on the Home Theater Forum, where I hang out from time to time.

After work today I had to go by Suncoast to figure out when I work this weekend, and discovered that I had a paycheck waiting for me. Rock on…but funny, I didn’t have it when I walked out. Instead, here’s what I ended up with:

High Fidelity: John Cusack‘s recent romantic comedy. A good friend of mine and I have had a vague theory for a while that John Cusack is assembling a loose series of films all revolving around the same character (so far, the only stumbling block we’ve found is that the character has different names in each of these films…still, logic has never stopped us before), and we think that High Fidelity just may be the most recent chapter. So far, we’ve got One Crazy Summer (high school), Better Off Dead (high school), Say Anything (high school graduation), Grosse Pointe Blank (10-year reunion), and now High Fidelity (life in the real world post-school).

The Impostors: I saw this one on a whim when it was in the theaters a while back, and walked out thinking that they just don’t make movies like this anymore. It’s a really silly little comedy, and the best word I can come up for it is delightful — which isn’t a word I apply to movies very much these days. Reminds me a lot of classic Marx Brothers type situation comedys…fluff, but thoroughly enjoyable fluff.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: I’ve been something of an amateur Shakespeare buff for a few years now (ever since Kenneth Branagh released Henry V to the theaters), and this is the latest addition to my so far woefully incomplete collection of Shakespearian adaptations. I’ve counted this among my favorites of Shakespeare’s comedies since I first saw it performed live (in an outdoor theater in Berlin, translated into German, and accompanied by a bevy of attractive young German ladies…ah, the memories…), and this is a beautiful production. Plus, with Kevin Kline, who I find to be an incredible actor, Stanley Tucci, who I’d just seen in The Imposters, and both Michelle Pfeiffer and Calista Flockheart, who are just fun to drool over…can’t go too wrong here!

In any case, that’s it for this batch…was just in a mood to get some slightly lighter fare after the oh-so-comedic batches of discs I’d picked up the last couple times.

Oh, I’d forgotten to mention this — my roommate got me a very cool Christmas present this year: The Hallmark TV Classics Collection, a collection of five made-for-television films. Included in the set are Alice in Wonderland, Cleopatra, Gulliver’s Travels, Merlin, and Noah’s Ark. Of these, I’ve only ever seen half of Merlin, and hadn’t even heard about Noah’s Ark, so I’m really looking forward to diving into this set. So…that’s it for tonight….

I am Jack’s sense of apathy.

…and you open the door and you step inside; we’re inside our hearts. Now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. That’s right — your pain, the pain itself, is a white ball of healing light.

I don’t think so.

This is your life. Good to the last drop. Doesn’t get any better than this.

This is your life — and it’s ending one minute at a time.

This isn’t a seminar, and this isn’t a weekend retreat. Where you are now, you can’t even imagine what the bottom will be like. Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. Nothing is static; everything is evolving. Everything is falling apart.

This is your life. Doesn’t get any better than this. This is your life — and it’s ending one minute at a time.

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake! You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are all part of the same compost heap. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

You are not your bank account. You are not the clothes you wear. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your bowel cancer. You are not your grande latte. You are not the car you drive. You are not your fucking khakis!

You have to give up. You have to realize that someday you will die. Until you know that, you are useless.

I say, let me never be complete. I say, may I never be content. I say, deliver me from swedish furniture. I say, deliver me from clever art. I say, deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth. I say, you have to give up. I say, evolve — and let the chips fall where they may.

This is your life. Doesn’t get any better than this. This is your life — and it’s ending one minute at a time.

You have to give up.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can!

Welcome to Fight Club. If this is your first night, you have to fight.

Fight Club


I’ve been having some real problems sleeping for some reason lately — last night I went to bed and crashed out at 10pm, then was awake again at 1:30am, and couldn’t crash out until around 4am. Really, really annoying…so, in honor of my own sad state, I found the lyrics for “Insomnia” by Faithless (one of my favorite dance tracks).

I only smoke weed when I need to,
And I need to get some rest,
I confess, I burnt a hole in the matress,
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty,
And on the count of three I pull back the duvet,
Make my way to the refrigerator,
One dry potato inside, no lie
Not even bread, jam,
When the light above my head went bam!
I can’t sleep, something’s all over me,
Greasy, insomnia please release me,
And let me dream about making mad love on the heath,
Tearing off tights with my teeth.
But there’s no relief,
I’m wide awake in my kitchen,
It’s dark and I’m lonely,
Oh, if I could only get some sleep,
Creeky noises make my skin creep,
I need to get some sleep,
I can’t get no sleep.

© Faithless (Maxi Jazz/Sister Bliss/Rollo)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2001 — the real new millenium. Woohoo!

I rung in the new year at the Future Impact rave. That’s about it for now…been a good weekend, mostly just relaxing and watching X-Files.

New Year’s weekend

Hope everyone’s having a good New Years weekend. Mine’s been pretty quiet so far, but am planning on hitting a rave tomorrow night, hopefully that will be pretty cool.

Other than that, not a lot has been going on recently.

Time travel

If anyone ever tries to tell you that time travel is impossible, tell them to start looking into their family history.

After the family reunion of my dad’s side of the family that we had while on vacation, I got to talking with my mom about the genealogical records we had lying around the house. I’d looked at them a few years ago, but was interested again after seeing just how much family I actually had that was still alive and kicking. So, while I was over at the folks’ house for Christmas dinner, I grabbed the box-o-documents that we had, and spent about five hours last night going through it.

This stuff is just fascinating! While many of the branches peter out eventually, we’ve got one line that can be traced back to Richard Warren, who came to America on the Mayflower, and was the twelfth signer of the pilgrim’s compact when they arrived. I’ve also found records of ancestors who were in the Revolutionary war, homesteaders moving across America, soldiers in the Civil war…tons and tons of stuff. Really neat, and I’m hoping to be able to use some of the resources I’ve found on the ‘net to start filling in the blanks.

If all goes well, I might even be able to start finding a way to put some of this info up on my website here — the casual visitor may not be to interested in investigating it, but family members might, once I get it up. Woohoo! Another project…just what I need. :)

Lorelei Mackenzie Markin

I just got word from one of my closest friends that she had her baby this morning! Congratulations both to Miranda and her daughter, Lorelei Mackenzie Markin, both of whom are doing wonderfully well, I’m told.

Now that’s a Christmas present!