Star Trek: Picard S01E01 Remembrance

Star Trek: Picard S01E01: As wonderful as it is to see Jean-Luc on screen again, and as gorgeous as the episode was, I do have some slight reservations. But this is just episode one, and they had a lot of groundwork to get in place. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the start. 🖖

Spoilers after the jump…

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Prepping For ‘Star Trek: Picard’ – A Procrastinators’ Guide: “To help you prep (or at this point, cram), TrekMovie presents a list of Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes that showcase Jean-Luc Picard’s exploits with the Borg and Romulans, plus a few essential Captain Picard episodes that reveal his character. We also include a bonus list of a few Seven of Nine-centric episodes of Voyager.”

Short Treks E10: “Children of Mars”: A curious and moody prequel that sets up a bit of backstory, but mostly won’t really fall into place until Picard starts. Guessing that “synths” might be androids based on Romulan experiments with Borg technology? 🖖