Pigface is going to be in Seattle at the Experience Music Project as part of their Preaching to the Perverted tour! I am so there.
[From Usenet: 12.7.93 2217]
[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.alternative
Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]
In article <1993Dec6.130843.27...@bnr.ca>
, coo...@bcarh5e0.bnr.ca
(Kenny G) writes:
Hello, anyone know how many pressings were made of the special 3 inch CD included in the first releases of Broken by NIN. Also which countries got this release and does anyone know the song titles. One’s an Adam Ant cover, and I think the other is Pigface?
Don’t know the technical info (only that I got the 3-incher up here in Alaska), but the songs are “Too Physica” by Adam Ant, and “Suck” by Pigface. Suck is available on a couple different Pigface albums in a couple different versions…don’t have ’em myself (wish I did) but heard ’em at a friends…