Difficult Listening Hour 2020.08.29

Week twenty-six of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday mid-mornings. These are the results. Anything goes.

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Difficult Listening Hour 05 (100BPM)

Finally! The first (and hopefully not the last) of a new series of long-form mixes! There’s no real particular theme to this mix, and likely won’t be for the next few mixes — primarily, I’m working on getting back in practice and getting used to my new equipment. As I do this, I’m recording what I’m doing, both so I can later listen to it and critique myself and so, if I think they’re good enough, I can upload them here. This was mixed “live” using djay with the Numark iDJ Pro controller and has no post-processing or editing work, so while it may not be perfect, it’s honest! ;)

Well, okay, there’s one light theme: Every song in this mix is between 95 and 105 BPM.

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This is so juvenile. I’m very sorry.

My computer doesn’t like my Prick.

I wanted to get my Prick into my computer. It didn’t seem like such a difficult task, should be simple enough, right? So I took out my Prick and put it into the computer.

The computer pulled it in, sat for a moment, then pushed my Prick right back out again.

That’s odd, I thought. It’s certainly not what I was expecting.

So I tried again. In went my Prick — and out came my Prick.

Weird. I thought that maybe my Prick was dirty, so I took it, got a soft washcloth, and gently cleaned my Prick, taking care to stroke in straight lines and not use circular motions. Once that was done and my Prick looked nice and clean, I put it back into the computer.

And the computer pushed my Prick right back out.

Admittedly, I’ve had my Prick for a while now, and it is getting a bit old. Maybe that’s the problem.

I guess I’ll just have to go to a store and get a new Prick.