Thor’s Day Night Dance

This past weekend, I was the DJ for the Thursday Night Dance (which we named the Thor’s Day Night Dance) at a local convention.

We call it Thursday night, but we used to know it as Thor’s Day…and you can kick off your weekend of saving the world with a celebration worthy of Asgard itself! Join DJ Wüdi for an evening of tunes new and old for gods and mortals alike. Come dressed as your godlike representation or as your mortal alter-ego. Requests are not just welcome, but encouraged!

Here’s my full DJ set from the night, recorded live as the night went on! The full track is huge (4 hours, 23 minutes, 296.6 MB), so I’ve also split the night into four sections of roughly an hour each for easier downloading. In all the tracklists, tracks marked with “•” were requests.


The full mix:

(See below for track listing.)

Download Thor’s Day Night (full) (4h 23m 21s, 296.6MB .mp3)

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Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt!

‘quislibet’ has translated Sir Mix-A-Lot’s ‘Baby Got Back’ into Latin, and given an English re-translation that gives some idea of how sucessful his translation efforts were. What follows is merely the beginning…here’s the rest!

Latin English (re-translated)
Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt!

amica esse videtur istorum hominum rhythmicorum.
sed, ut scis,
quis homines huiusmodi intellegere potest?
colloquuntur equidem cum ista eo tantum, quod scortum perfectum esse videtur.
clunes, aio, maiores esse!
nec possum credere quam rotondae sint.
en! quam exstant! nonne piget te earum?
ecce mulier Aethiops!

By Hercules!
Rebecca, behold! Such large buttocks she has!

She appears to be a girlfriend of one of those rhythmic-oration people.
But, as you know
Who can understand persons of this sort?
Verily, they converse with her for this reason only, namely, that she appears to be a complete whore.
Her buttocks, I say, are rather large!
Nor am I able to believe how round they are.
Lo! How they stand forth! Do they not disgust you?
Behold the black woman!

(via Cory Doctorow)