Malignant Hyperthermia

I haven’t mentioned this before — and debated even putting this post up — but Xebeth, who I recently reconnected with and has become an extremely dear friend to both Prairie and I, has been battling malignant hyperthermia for some time now.

The disease is rare and still very much an unknown, so the above link leads to a Google search rather than one particular source of information. In brief, though, it is a hereditary muscular disease most often triggered by a reaction to anesthetics. Most often, once discovered, the disease can be managed with careful monitoring during any surgical procedures that might require anesthesia, and the patient’s life expectancy is normal.

However, more rarely, the disease starts attacking the muscles without the anesthetic trigger, essentially burning them up from the inside. In this case, eventually the disease will attack the heart. Life expectancy with this form of MH is far shorter. NOTE: I now believe that this is probably not true. See this post for details.

Xebeth was confirmed to have the rarer and more dangerous form of MH a few months ago. The initial prognosis was in the five to ten year range, but after a biopsy of some of the affected tissue was performed, she was given roughly ten months to live.

In an effort to extend her time left with her friends, family, husband and children, Xebeth agreed to undergo a treatment process that might keep her around for a few years longer, hopefully for the next decade or so. However, the treatments are not pleasant — similar to chemotherapy, they introduce a ‘poison’ that attacks and kills the affected tissue — and run the risk of triggering an attack.

Her friend R has been by her side throughout the treatment process, trading off shifts with Xebeth‘s husband Austin. R’s been doing a wonderful job of acting as an intermediary between Xebeth and Prairie and I, reading our e-mails to her and keeping us updated on Xebeth‘s status.

About half an hour ago, R sent me a note saying that Xebeth had had a bad attack and is in surgery.

I’ve been keeping quiet about this situation for some time now, but at this point…well, Prairie and I are worried and scared, and I have to go to work ’til ten in about twenty minutes, so likely won’t get any updates until late in the day. In the two visits to Seattle that Xebeth has been able to take since she and I got back in touch, she’s become very close to Prairie and I both — Prairie discovering a new friend, while I get to know the incredible woman that the first girl I ever dated has become. We both love her greatly, and would appreciate any thoughts or prayers you can contribute.

Update: We got confirmation that Xebeth had made it through surgery later in the day while I was at work, and this morning (Saturday the 22nd) got a phone call from Xebeth. She’s okay and out of immediate danger. Here’s hoping we can keep her around as long as possible.


Check out this user's profile at

Cute, huh? It’s from Meez, yet another in the “create a cute little avatar” series of sites that pop up from time to time. There’s a longer animation loop (see under the jump) where I actually take pictures, which gave Prairie some good giggles because she can peek up the kilt. Heh. Oops. :)

In other news:

  • Xebeth‘s visit was a blast. Much fun watching the Pride Parade (and many pictures taken…I’ve finally gotten through them all and have a huge photoset up on Flickr) on Sunday, and being touristy at the Underground Tour on Monday.
  • Work’s been rather insane lately — lots of drama, much of which I shouldn’t really get into publicly (and, truth to tell, much of which I just plain don’t really know), but which resulted in our store being temporarily manager-less. Everyone’s getting a few more hours, since we’re one person short, and we’re taking turns being “manager” for the day (taking seniority to the extreme — whoever on shift has been working the most consecutive days is “manager”). It’s been…interesting.

  • Prairie and I went out to see the fireworks at Gas Works Park on Tuesday. Nice day relaxing in the sun, then things went all esplodey in the evening. Not a bad day.

  • We’re planning a trip down to meet Xebeth in Vegas in early August. This’ll be my first time in Vegas. Should be fun — we’ll be staying at the Stratosphere, seeing a show, and whatever else Xebeth (who has spent far more time in Vegas than either Prairie or I) has planned for us.

And…that’s the basics so far. Busy busy days for me!

Update: I snagged the full Meez avatar animation loop, complete with under-the-kilt views. Woo!

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In brief…

Another quick update:

  • Prairie’s back — yay! She came back Friday afternoon. Had a very good trip, took a bunch of pictures, and had a lot of fun.

  • Kevin stopped by on Friday as well, hanging out for a few hours before heading over to visit a friend.

  • Prairie and I are about to head out to the airport to pick Xebeth up, then drive downtown, see what we can find for parking, and enjoy the Pride parade.

Busy busy busy. Fun…but pretty non-stop. More eventually!

Bachelor Week So Far…

  • Saturday:

    Got up at 3am to take Prairie to the airport. Came home, crashed, slept for a couple hours, then went to work. Insanely busy work day as all the procrastinators came through to find a suitably techy toy for the men in their life for Father’s Day. Came home, called Prairie and chatted, changed, went off to The Vogue for bouncing. Much fun bouncing around and flirting outrageously with friends. Closed out the club, came home, crashed.

  • Sunday:

    Work. Insanely busy again, as people brought the men in their life in to choose their own suitably techy toy. Came home, called Prairie and chatted, changed, went off to The Vogue for bouncing. Again. More fun bouncing around and flirting outrageously with friends. Closed out the club, came home, crashed (I haven’t closed out the club two nights in a row in a really long time…and wow, was I feeling it…).

  • Monday:

    No work! Puttered around the house in the morning. Postponed a photoshoot with Danielle (xementio) due to outfits still being in the laundry. Instead, we went wandering around Carkeek Park. Came home, called Prairie and chatted. Watched The Chronicles of Riddick. Not bad, though somewhat odd. While Pitch Black was a fun sci-fi/horror romp (essentially an Alien clone with Vin Diesel instead of Sigourney Weaver, TCoR — technically a sequel — feels very much like it was originally written as a 80’s-style fantasy flick (I found parts of it reminiscent of Krull) and retrofitted to include the character of Riddick. Entertaining enough, though, and while I’m not sure why Dame Judi Dench was slumming it in this film, it was fun to see her.

  • Tuesday:

    Work. Slower day, not terribly notable. Came home, dinked around on the ‘puter ’til Prairie called (as she and her dad are now working their way from Palm Springs, CA back to Seattle, I don’t have a number to call them at), then dinked around on the ‘puter more until…well, until now. Will be crashing soon.

Coming up over the next few days (in theory, at least)…

  • Wednesday:


  • Thursday:

    No work! House cleaning and puttering in the morning. I need to see if I can find a way to rig up some form of backdrop to use for the photoshoot with Danielle, which should be happening Thursday afternoon. This will be an interesting experiment, as I’ve never done any sort of posed, modeling style work, and she’s never done any posing. We’ll both be improvising as we go. First improvisation is the aforementioned backdrop — since I’ve never done anything like this, I don’t have any sort of pseudo-studio, and the only backdrops are whatever happens to be in my apartment. We’ll see how this goes.

  • Friday:

    No work! Probably more housecleaning and puttering in the morning, since I’m a procrastinator. My brother will be in town in the afternoon on his way up to a party with a friend, as he’s in bachelor mode for a few days while Emily heads back East to visit family. Loose plans to hang out for the afternoon/evening. Possibly head out to The Vogue after hanging out with Kevin, as this will be my last day of bachelorhood.

  • Saturday:

    Work. Prairie and her father should appear at some point during the day. Evening will be spent here at home, doing cute couple-y things like cuddling.

  • Sunday:

    No work! Xebeth arrives in the morning to visit for a few days. Current tentative plans include the Pride Parade in the late morning/afternoon…all else is pretty much up in the air, to be improvised as we go.

  • Monday:

    No work! Entertaining Xebeth.

  • Tuesday:

    Xebeth leaves early in the morning, then I go to work. From here on out, life should be returning to some semblance of normality.

Whew! Thank goodness summer is here so we can spend some time kicking back and relaxing! ;)

The Perils of Being Blogged

I got an amusing little story from Xebeth yesterday that she’s granted me permission to pass on…

Must make this quick…. Out in the [doctor’s] waiting room- I am typing away on blog and then zoom to your site to see what’s new (love those pics!), when guy next to me goes-

“That’s the numbnut from Microsoft- right??”

I just kind of stare.

“Sorry- probably rude of me- but is that the guy who got in trouble for taking pictures and posting them on his website.”

I have to admit- I was dying at this point. “Yes. Michael Hanscom.”

“You actually know him??” Guy is now turning my computer towards him.

DO I EVER?! I think what I really said was more like, “Very close friend of mine.”

Guy now takes my hand and starts shaking it. “Well pleasure to meet you. Tell your friend I think he is great. I read his website everyday. I think he got hosed. Cool guy, seems nice. Hold it!”

At this point I am a little scared. I take back hand. “Hold what?”

“You look familiar!!!” Oh dear god- please no- not in the hospital….

Pickles!! PAP SMEAR!! I loved that!”

Yep darlin’, you’ve made me famous. Not as famous as you of course, but famous…!

Apparently there are occasionally some interesting side effects to knowing me and being mentioned on here! Too funny.

Oh, and hello to my mysterious reader! Rude or not, I’ll certainly not be one to disput the ‘numbnut’ label for that particular adventure. ;)

A bit of a pickle…

Last time I visited my parents in Anchorage, I was going through some of the various boxes of “me” stuff scattered around their house. Opening one up, I was amused and surprised to find a stack of notes from high school that I had saved. I don’t know why I saved them, but there they were: page after page of teenage ramblings that I’d tossed into a box instead of into a trash can.

Many of the notes were from Xebeth, since we were dating back then, and so one of the more amusing bits of entertainment on Monday evening was handing her the stack. When Xebeth could distract herself from threatening me with bodily harm for having held on to these, we got a lot of laughs out of flipping through them.

Apparently, pickles were on her mind at one point…

PICKLES! I ♥ PICKLES! Give me a pickle and I’ll love you forever & ever & 2 weeks!

…which confused her adult self more than a little, as she’s not really that fond of pickles, and doesn’t ever remember being that fond of pickles. So it was decided that, since these little tasty snacks are not only obviously phallic, but also can apparently be used as currency for the barter of sexual favors (as implied by the above quote), Xebeth was going to start a new anti-pickle group.

Parents Against Pickles.


And, of course, since word must get out about how dangerous these insidious green treats are, a letter-writing smear campaign must begin as soon as possible.


A PAP smear.


I like my friends.

Good days and bad days…

Good days, in brief:

Sixteen years ago, during my Junior year of high school, I managed to screw up the courage to ask a girl out, and wound up with my very first girlfriend, Xebeth. Our relationship was the typical high school romance — drama, breaking up, getting back together, and so on — and at the end of that school year, the military moved her family out of Alaska and we lost touch.

A few weeks ago, a random Google search led Xebeth to my website, and she dropped a line to say hello. We’ve been keeping in touch since then, and as her job has her traveling around the country, she ended up swinging through Seattle on Monday.

So, I was able to spend Monday getting re-acquainted with the first girl I ever dated, after not having seen her in around sixteen years. It was a blast — she’d not been to Seattle before, so we spent some time in the afternoon wandering around Capitol Hill before wandering back to my apartment, getting Prairie, and heading out to dinner, then back here to chat. Xebeth and I still get along great (and flirt outrageously), Prairie likes her a lot, and it was incredible to be able to rekindle the friendship after so many years. She even put up with me lugging my camera around!

Bad days, in brief:

It appears that the hard drive in my computer died last night. A sudden Spinning Beachball of Death had me restart the machine, at which point I got nothing but a grey screen, which eventually brought up a blinking question mark “I can’t find a System Folder” error. Rebooting the machine from the OS installation CD and running Disk Utility tells me that the hard drive is fried…unverifiable, and unrepairable.

And, of course, guess who hasn’t taken the time and DVDs to back up their data recently?


So…160 Gb of data may be down the tubes. Google has my important recent e-mail and Flickr has my most important recent photos…but there’s still a lot of other data that I should have backed up ages ago that I’m afraid I’ve lost. Replacing the drive looks like it’ll run me about $80 or $160, depending on the brand I go for (does half the price mean half the reliability?), then I get to see if I can coax the system into mounting the old drive and letting me pull any of the data over.

Gee, isn’t this going to be fun.

So…Monday was great. Tuesday was pretty standard up ’til the end, but so far Wednesday just isn’t looking very promising at all.

I’m just hoping things get better from here.

Happy π Day!

It’s π day (3/14). Whee!


  • I’m in the last week of the quarter, touching up my last paper for English (no final, yay!) and cramming through the last few sections of Math in order to be ready for the final on Tuesday. Hence, why things have been relatively quiet lately. There has been action in the ‘eclinkticism’ sidebar (also known as my account, but a definite dearth of actual content. So it goes.

  • I’ve sent off my one birthday wish to my parents, and they’ve said they’ll consider it. Yay! This, of course, now has me wishing that my birthday was just a little bit earlier in the summer. Heh. In any case, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’m not, however, posting just what the birthday wish was, as I don’t want to jinx anything.

    • Said birthday, by the way, is May 3rd, at which point I’ll be turning 33. The same age Jesus was when he died, according to tradition. Should anyone want to get me anything (including, but not limited to, friendly e-mails wishing me well, cards, books, music, money, a 30″ Apple Cinema Display…y’know, little things…), I won’t complain.
  • Thanks to a random Google search, my first girlfriend dropped me a note to say hi and get back in touch. Pretty mindblowing, but it’s been a lot of fun catching up with her.

  • As we move into spring (finally!), I’m looking forward to getting out of the house a bit more over the spring/summer festival season and finding some more good photo opportunities. Events that I’m hoping to show up at over the coming months (pending days off from work, financing, and other random things that might get in the way), some of which Prairie is looking forward to accompanying me to, others of which she’ll smile indulgently, roll her eyes, and pat me on the butt as I walk out the door:

    1. Sakura Con 2006 (Saturday 3/25): Seattle’s anime convention. While I’m not huge into anime (I’ve enjoyed a lot of what I’ve seen, but I’m no big fan), I’m planning on heading down to wander around on Saturday, when they’re having their costume/cosplay contest. Should be lots of fun costumes wandering around.

    2. Emerald City Comicon (Saturday 4/1): Seattle’s comic book convention. Again, I’m not a huge comic fan (my collection consists of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series, Alan Moore’s Watchmen and V for Vendetta, the Clerks comics, and issues 1-10 of The Tick). However, I did have fun taking photos when I stopped by last year’s ComiCon, and hope to do the same this year. Again, I’m aiming for Saturday, to take advantage of the day’s costume contest.

    3. Norwescon 29 (Friday 4/12 – Sunday 4/14): I’ve been hearing about Norwescon since I came down to Seattle, as many of the regulars at the_vogue are also big into sci-fi, fantasy, role playing, and all the other various forms of entertainment that can be found at a fantasy convention. This year, I have a few friends that have been planning on going, so I figured it could be fun to take the weekend and actually go to this thing to see what I thought. Should be interesting….

    4. Folklife (Saturday 5/27): This will be my third jaunt to Folklife. I’ve got a small set of photos from 2004 and a larger set from 2005, we’ll see how many I come home with this year. Planning on Saturday as a definite day, other days may happen depending on scheduling (there are other people at work who also want to hit Folklife, we’ll just have to see how the weekend works out).

    5. Seattle Pride Parade (Sunday 6/25): Unfortunately, this one’s questionable right now, as that’s inventory weekend at work and the schedule is marked “NO OFFS” for this day. I’ve mentioned (ahem…whined…) about this to my manager, but I’m not sure yet if I’ll be able to make it or not. A shame, as I’ve been there in 2001, 2003, 2004, and 2005.

    6. Bumbershoot (Saturday 8/2 – Monday 8/4): A possibility, but questionable at this point. Prairie and I skipped last years, and may end up skipping this year also. If it weren’t enough that ticket prices keep getting higher and they’ve dropped Friday from the festival schedule, we’re looking into the possibility of taking a 2-week trip down to California in September, so timing and finances may not allow adding Bumbershoot to the mix. Until that’s confirmed, though, it’s still a tentative on my list.

And…I think that pretty much covers everything for now.

Oh, one last thing. Battlestar Galactica just wrapped up their second season. Oh. Wow. So good. If you’re watching the show, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not watching it…well, you should be. Grab Season One from Amazon or Netflix, and Season Two from iTunes, sit your butt down, and watch the best sci-fi to grace the small screen in years.

Okay. Now I’m done.