[Note: This was originally a post to the comp.sys.mac.system
Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]
In article <tresyk-2103951347530...@blv-pm0-ip14.halcyon.com>
, tre...@halcyon.com
(Tresy Kilbourne) wrote:
My Mac has developed a will of its own. Lately it has taken to dialing up my Internet server at random times during the day, usually around 2 PM and sometimes around 7. I use MacTCP and a PPP connection. I have no unusual utilities (such as QuickKeys) that might be sending a connect AppleEvent to MacTCP, so I am at a loss to understand what’s going on. Any ideas? Please reply via email. thanks.
I’d suggest seeing if you have Eudora running when your computer tries to connect. Eudora can be set to check the mail at intervals, at which time it checks MacTCP to see if a connection is up. If not, then it’ll attempt to make one, which could prompt the beahvior. Just an idea…there may be other Mac i-net programs with a similar setup, could be worth checking…