Another Cheaper by the Dozen?

I ranted a while ago about the Cheaper by the Dozen film, a bastardization of one of my childhood favorite books, vowing not to see the results.

It’s time for another vow — this time, sadly, for Cheaper by the Dozen 2.

Never, never, never. The only even vaguely interesting pieces of the trailer were two quarter-second long shots of girls in bikinis…and since if I ever feel the need to see that I can do a quick Flickr search, that takes care of that.

Would someone please just forcibly retire Steve Martin and put us all out of our misery?

Seattle’s Seasons in Software

The news that yesterday’s rumors are true and that NewsGator has acquired NetNewsWire is flying all over the ‘net right now. NewsGator posted a quick Q&A about the acquisition, which produced this little gem from NetNewsWire’s Brent Simmons:

Q: Is Brent moving to Denver? Or Tennessee?

Greg: Yes!

Brent: No, I’ll be staying in Seattle.

Greg: Darn it, I’m 0 for 2. Denver’s not such a bad place, you know. We have 4 seasons and everything!

Brent: As a Macintosh user interface designer I like to simplify whenever possible. Four seasons is two too many. Seattle has two seasons, rainy and dry — anything more is too complex for new users. ;)


Okay, so I’m a bit late to the party on this one, but if you haven’t seen it yet, you’ve really got to check out the trailer for a little heartwarming family comedy called Shining (9.5Mb QT .mov). A definite must-see!

Bouncing and flirting

Much fun out at the_vogue tonight. Flirting with friends I hadn’t seen in a while (Tej, Suzanne, Noreen) and friends I just made tonight (Margarite, Amanda, Sarah). All in all, definitely worth going.

And on a not-at-all-unrelated side note: I’m so lucky to have a girlfriend who not only understands and appreciates that I’m an incorrigible flirt…but also thinks it’s fun and doesn’t mind in the least when I go out a-flirting (as long as I tell her all about it when I get home, if she wasn’t able to come along too). It’s a rare and wonderful thing.

iTunesFrozen (Chill)” by Collide from the album Vortex (2004, 7:37).

LJ-style links for Ecto

This is actually fairly simple, but you never know.

For ecto users who want to post LiveJournal-style links to LJ user accounts (such as [djwudi's info]djwudi) into a weblog entry on a non-LJ system:

  1. Open Window > HTML Tags.
  2. Click the + button to create a new tag set.
  3. Paste the following code into the ‘opening tag’ box (as a single line):
    <a href="*">
    <img src="" alt="[%*'s info]" width="17" height="17" /></a>
    <a href="*/"><b>
  4. Paste the following code into the ‘closing tag’ box:
  5. Assign a command key sequence (optional, of course — I used option-command-J).

Viola! You’re done. Now, just type someone’s LJ username into a weblog post, select it, and choose the new tag set (or type the command key sequence you set), and the LJ-style link is created.


Saw Serenity last night — Prairie and I got to hang out with eckstacie, sgtjesse and [oblique_ref], saw ogremarco, got donuts from the people in line right in front of us who were playing Buffypoker (Buffy playing cards) and betting with Gummi Worms, and talked with a lot of the fans, browncoats, and assorted self-described “geeks and freaks” around us. Much fun was had.

The movie…I’m still letting it percolate. And I’ve gotta get in gear to go to work. More later.