This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
Wow — in the past few minutes, there have been three thunderclaps loud enough to rattle the windows (and the sound rolls on for at least a good ten seconds each time), and now we’ve got hail pelting down like crazy, plus the wind and rain that you can expect for a storm like this.
Make that four thunderclaps.
And I’ve got to walk to work in about half an hour. Ick.
Hooray for winter!
Update: I just pulled this image from KOMO News:
Go back and read “About the Author.” Thunderstorms aren’t snow. You could be here riding your bike for transportation at zero degrees. Take a change of clothes, including socks, in your backpack.
Love you, Mom
Hehe…always the pragmatic one, you. ;)
All quite true, of course, and most of the excitement seems to have died down by now. I do think I’ll forego the portable lightning rod (a.k.a. umbrella), though, and stick to just bundling up in my trenchcoat and a winter hat.
(We did make it up to seven or eight good thunderclaps, though. Fun!)