Good Twitter Marketing is Communication

I’ve been having fun over the past couple of weeks playing with a bit of unofficial marketing via Twitter for a couple of the local conventions. I’ve been using Twitter (djwudi, if you didn’t know already) for some time now, and I’ve been seeing a number of different companies and organizations picking up Twitter accounts, some of whom seemed to use it successfully…some of whom, less so.

To me, possibly the single most important aspect to marketing successfully on Twitter — and keep in mind that I’m not a marketing wonk in any way, I’m just an opinionated geek with a Twitter account — is having a real person behind the account. Just as people prefer to call a business and speak to a person rather than an automated machine, I like to know that there’s a real set of eyeballs paying attention to a Twitter account, and it’s not merely an automated receptacle echoing an RSS feed. Many companies seem to see Twitter as little more than an RSS reader for people who don’t grok RSS readers, and that’s a rather sad outlook.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with feeding RSS feeds into Twitter accounts. I’m doing that very thing myself, in fact. However, that shouldn’t be all that is done with the account.

Right now, I’m managing two Twitter accounts for local conventions: norwescon (for Norwescon) and steamcon (for Steamcon). Both of these are unofficial (i.e., I’m not actually involved with the production of either ‘con, but just do this because I can and because it’s fun to play with this stuff), but the Steamcon account is slightly less unofficial…that is, I’ve received a nice thanks from the Steamcon Powers-That-Be along with a link on their homepage to the Twitter account. Both accounts are somewhat automated, using Twitterfeed to pipe in RSS feeds. However, I also take care to make sure that neither account is a simple infodump.

Here’s the steps I’ve taken so far:

  1. Use multiple sources.

    Each account actually has multiple RSS feeds contributing content. For Norwescon, that’s the LiveJournal group, the Flickr group photo pool, and the Flickr group discussions; likewise, Steamcon gets their LiveJournal group, their Flickr group photo pool, and their Flickr group discussions. At the moment, there’s very little activity on Flickr, and most of the posts come from announcements on LiveJournal, but the Flickr feeds will come in handy post-con.

  2. Find the people that might be interested.

    I knew that since these weren’t official accounts, the chances of people stumbling across them were pretty slim. So, rather than just set them up and toss them into the electronic wind of the ‘net to see if they caught anyone’s eye, I set up two Twitter searches and subscribed to the RSS feeds. I use the same syntax for each search, just changing the name of the ‘con: norwescon -from:norwescon. This shows me any Tweets mentioning the ‘con, while excluding those sent by the Norwescon Twitter account (I originally also appended -"@norwescon" to exclude reply Tweets, as those have their own tab in the Twitter interface, but I’m finding it handy to have those included in the RSS feed as well). When I see someone’s tweet pop up, I take a look at their Twitter account, and if they look like they’re interested, I follow them.

  3. Interact!

    As evidenced by how I started this post out, I think this is the most important of the three. Rather than letting the RSS feeds take care of everything, I check in on the accounts myself off and on when I can. Admittedly, it’s not as often as I check my personal Twitter account, but it’s often enough that I can catch mentions, reply to any Tweets directed to the account, and so on. I also post Tweets myself when I find something interesting or worth sharing that fits the theme (such as Star Trek corsets or steampunk Lego). Any indication that there’s a real personality behind the account handle is good, and is more likely to get not just subscribers, but active subscribers. Twitter should be a conversation, not a lecture.

In the end, I’m having a lot of fun with this little experiment. It seems to be working well enough — the Norwescon account is up to 40 followers just through my dinking around and word-of-tweet, while the Steamcon account is now up to 38, most of whom have just shown up in the past two days after the Twitter logo and link hit the Steamcon website. Not huge numbers by many estimations, but both accounts are relatively new, and I’m sure both will continue to grow as the cons get closer and as word continues to spread.

Now if only I could figure out how to get paid for this kind of stuff full-time, instead of doing it for free during lunch breaks and evenings at home! ;)

Norwescon 30: Saturday

Rennifer, Norwescon 30

Finally. After nearly one month and almost six hundred photos uploaded, I’m done with this year’s Norwescon! As fun as it is, as much as I enjoy being there and playing photographer, and as great as it is to get comments from people as they find themselves in the photos…man, this took a while! Ah, well — good-natured grousing aside, it’s well worth it, and I’m looking forward to next year’s.

I’d already mentioned finishing up Friday’s photos a couple weeks ago. Last night, I finally uploaded the last of my photos from Saturday, the only other day I was there.

Saturday’s shots are pretty obviously divided into three sections:

Of course, that’s just a small (well, okay, not that small) selection of what was at Con. I did my best to get the best shots I could of everyone I could, and had a lot of fun doing it.

Also (and especially important for those people I got photos of): because I release my shots under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license (attribution/non-commercial/sharealike), you may share (copy, re-post, distribute, or transmit) the photos, provided that you give me credit as photographer (preferably by linking back to the photo’s page on Flickr, or at least to my Flickr, LiveJournal, or personal pages, but simply by name — Michael Hanscom or djwudi — will work in a pinch). Thanks very much for respecting this — since I’m not trying to make money off this photography thing*, what little recognition I can get is very appreciated!

Thanks much, everyone — enjoy the photos, and I’ll run into you again next year (if not sooner)!

  • Though, if anyone would like to purchase high-quality prints of their shots, I wouldn’t be averse to discussing it… ;)

The Time Warp, Hoedown in Space (Saturday Night Dance), Norwescon 30

Norwescon 30: Friday

Stardance, Norwescon 30

Finally — all my shots from Friday of this year’s Norwescon are processed and uploaded (some shots are mildly NSFW — no outright nudity, some panties-and-pasties). There’s a few random hall costumes to start off with, and shots from the Stardance towards the end. However, the majority of Friday’s shots are from the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show: fashion sets from Notorious Curves and; burlesque performances by The Von FoxiesHeidi Von Haught and Pidgeon Von Tramp, Miz Ginger Snapz, and Estella E’Strange; plus Project Fetishway and Fannish Idol; all hosted by the lovely Betty Rage.

I’ll be the first to admit that, try as I might, my shots likely aren’t going to be winning any photography awards. ;) Still, I do the best I can, I don’t think they came out too horribly, and every time I do something like this I figure out a few more things to make things better the next time. Many thanks to spitkitten for giving me the opportunity to shoot the show!

Meanwhile, work continues on Saturday’s shots — and since Saturday has the post-Masquerade costume photoshoot, there’s many more photos yet to come!

Random Updates

A few random things, since I haven’t updated anything here for a little bit…

  • Last quarter’s grades:
    WIN07    ENG   120         CONTEMPORARY WORLD LIT         3.7          5.0     
             HUM   200         READING THE MEDIA              3.7          5.0     
             MAT   102         COLLEGE ALGEBRA                3.5          5.0     
    Qtrly:     Gpa Cr  15.0  Cr Earn  15.0  P/S Cr   0.0  Grpts   54.5  GPA 3.63   
    Cum:       Gpa Cr  45.0  Cr Earn  50.0  P/S Cr   5.0  Grpts  167.0  GPA 3.71   
    Clvl:      Gpa Cr  40.0  Cr Earn  40.0  P/S Cr   0.0  Grpts  152.5  GPA 3.81 

    No Dean’s List anymore, but I thought that might happen. I’m just thrilled I managed to pull a 3.5 in my Algebra class!

  • Prairie and I did our version of going to the beach for Spring Break last week. In our case, it was meeting up with her dad Lon down at Long Beach, on the Washington coast. Grey and windy, so this wasn’t exactly MTV’s Spring Break Miami (or whatever), but it was gorgeous, and we had a good few days. I’m still working my way through the pictures, but everything I’ve posted so far is in this photoset. More pictures will be appearing as I find time to work through them.

  • I went to the last night of Confessional with camera in hand, intending to take photos. However, lighting both within and without the Mercury is damn near nonexistent, and since I didn’t feel like lugging the flash around, I just put the camera away and enjoyed the night. Evidence of my appearance has popped up here, thanks to gravesme.

  • I was going to go get pictures of the Utilikilts 7th Birthday Bash down in Pioneer Square last Saturday night, but a head cold kept me at home instead. A bummer, but since school started on Monday, I figured staying home and resting was the better plan.

  • Spring quarter has started. This quarter I’m in PHI101 (Introduction to Philosophy), CHE101 (Chemistry), and CSC142 (Programming). Looks to be a fun (if busy) quarter.

  • This upcoming weekend is Norwescon. I’ll be heading down there as soon as classes get out on Friday, and spending Friday afternoon/evening and all day Saturday at the ‘con. I’ve also been asked by spitkitten to shoot the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show on Friday evening — really looking forward to that! Of course, I’ll have camera in hand the rest of the time I’m wandering around down there as well.

And…yeah, I think that about brings me up to date.

Norwescon 29 Photo Extravaganza

One or two (or three or four…hundred…) photos

Well, not only did I survive my first Norwescon (didn’t even get auctioned off, either, once some kind soul told me that I probably shouldn’t be admitting that it was my first time), but I did it camera in hand. And, since I’m a complete and total photo whore, there’s a few pictures to be seen.

Just a few.

I was only there for Friday and Saturday, but still managed to come home with almost 1,600 photos. I’ve distilled the most presentable 441 into this photoset, and I’ll spend a little time further distilling things down and putting “the best of the best” into the Norwescon group‘s photo pool.

In the meantime, though, in addition to the big monster set, I can also give a few pointers to certain themes, such as…

  • The graffiti wall. I had fun stopping by from time to time to see what additions had been made, and overheard a few people commenting that they were glad someone was documenting it.

    (The Doubletree was partially under renovation, including the hallway that housed the Norwescon office and the Hospitality rooms. Since the walls were simple unfinished temporary drywall, they became an impromptu graffiti wall. Fen…er…fun with markers!)

  • Friday night’s Stardance — specifically, the “most evil” pageant before the floor was opened up to the general public.

  • While I didn’t actually make it into the Masquerade, I did grab a good spot in the photo pool for the costume gallery photoshoot. Lots of incredible costumes!

  • The Rasputin during the Saturday Night Hoedown.

  • Star Wars vs. Star Trek: While there were Klingons and Federation representatives, there were far more Jedi, Stormtroopers and bounty hunters making their presence known. I guess that galaxy far, far away is a bit more interesting than our own (of course, given how Jabba dresses his slave girls, I can’t say that I’m surprised…)!

And those are the major themes. I had a blast, and I’m looking forward to doing it all over again next year.

(X-posted to my LJ, Norwescon, and my website.)

iTunesMajestic” by Orb, The from the album U.F. Orb (1992, 11:06).

Off at Norwescon

I’m spending the weekend at Norwescon, so I’ve already missed my one-photo-a-day posting goal. Heh. No big surprise.

Here’s one from yesterday at the con, though…

Norwescon 29, Seattle, WA

There’s 109 more of Friday in this photoset, with photos from today to be added to the set later (sometime tomorrow, most likely).

iTunesI Took Your Name” by R.E.M. from the album Monster (1994, 4:03).

2006 Emerald City Comicon

I spent a few hours wandering around this years’ Emerald City ComiCon today. Most of the pictures I’ve posted to Flickr are of the costume contest, but there’s quite a few from my wanders through the showcase floor as well.

Two things definitely stood out as I made my rounds.

Jetfire, Emerald City ComiCon 2006, Seattle, WAFirst was coming across what appeared to be a mint condition, still in the box version of Jetfire, my all-time favorite Transformer toy. Probably only as good as it was because it was a pretty direct rip-off of the Robotech Valkyrie, but I never cared. I’d have loved to have grabbed this, but at $225, it was a bit out of my reach.

Shel Silverstein's Different Dances, Emerald City ComiCon 2006, Seattle, WAThe second find was a copy of Shel Silverstein‘s ‘Different Dances‘, which I’d never heard of before. It’s definitely not one of the kids’ books that Shel is most famous for, as I quickly discovered when I started flipping through it and immediately found a four-page spread titled “The Deadly Weapon” (pages one and two, pages three and four, both Not Safe For Work if cartoon drawings of naked people fall into that category). While I couldn’t afford the $125 that the book was priced at, it turns out that Xebeth might have a copy that she could send my way. Neat!

The rest of the Con was pretty much as to be expected, with the usual Stormtroopers, Jedi, and other assorted oddities wandering around. Not at all a bad way to kill a few hours on a Saturday afternoon.

No Sakuracon for Me

I’d mentioned before that I was planning on heading downtown today to wander around Sakuracon and get some shots of the various cosplay kids. As it turns out, I’d actually forgotten to ask for today off from work…so that won’t be happening. Oops.

On the other hand, photos from Sakuracon are starting to show up on Flickr…and maybe I’m not missing all that much?

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Happy π Day!

It’s π day (3/14). Whee!


  • I’m in the last week of the quarter, touching up my last paper for English (no final, yay!) and cramming through the last few sections of Math in order to be ready for the final on Tuesday. Hence, why things have been relatively quiet lately. There has been action in the ‘eclinkticism’ sidebar (also known as my account, but a definite dearth of actual content. So it goes.

  • I’ve sent off my one birthday wish to my parents, and they’ve said they’ll consider it. Yay! This, of course, now has me wishing that my birthday was just a little bit earlier in the summer. Heh. In any case, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’m not, however, posting just what the birthday wish was, as I don’t want to jinx anything.

    • Said birthday, by the way, is May 3rd, at which point I’ll be turning 33. The same age Jesus was when he died, according to tradition. Should anyone want to get me anything (including, but not limited to, friendly e-mails wishing me well, cards, books, music, money, a 30″ Apple Cinema Display…y’know, little things…), I won’t complain.
  • Thanks to a random Google search, my first girlfriend dropped me a note to say hi and get back in touch. Pretty mindblowing, but it’s been a lot of fun catching up with her.

  • As we move into spring (finally!), I’m looking forward to getting out of the house a bit more over the spring/summer festival season and finding some more good photo opportunities. Events that I’m hoping to show up at over the coming months (pending days off from work, financing, and other random things that might get in the way), some of which Prairie is looking forward to accompanying me to, others of which she’ll smile indulgently, roll her eyes, and pat me on the butt as I walk out the door:

    1. Sakura Con 2006 (Saturday 3/25): Seattle’s anime convention. While I’m not huge into anime (I’ve enjoyed a lot of what I’ve seen, but I’m no big fan), I’m planning on heading down to wander around on Saturday, when they’re having their costume/cosplay contest. Should be lots of fun costumes wandering around.

    2. Emerald City Comicon (Saturday 4/1): Seattle’s comic book convention. Again, I’m not a huge comic fan (my collection consists of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series, Alan Moore’s Watchmen and V for Vendetta, the Clerks comics, and issues 1-10 of The Tick). However, I did have fun taking photos when I stopped by last year’s ComiCon, and hope to do the same this year. Again, I’m aiming for Saturday, to take advantage of the day’s costume contest.

    3. Norwescon 29 (Friday 4/12 – Sunday 4/14): I’ve been hearing about Norwescon since I came down to Seattle, as many of the regulars at the_vogue are also big into sci-fi, fantasy, role playing, and all the other various forms of entertainment that can be found at a fantasy convention. This year, I have a few friends that have been planning on going, so I figured it could be fun to take the weekend and actually go to this thing to see what I thought. Should be interesting….

    4. Folklife (Saturday 5/27): This will be my third jaunt to Folklife. I’ve got a small set of photos from 2004 and a larger set from 2005, we’ll see how many I come home with this year. Planning on Saturday as a definite day, other days may happen depending on scheduling (there are other people at work who also want to hit Folklife, we’ll just have to see how the weekend works out).

    5. Seattle Pride Parade (Sunday 6/25): Unfortunately, this one’s questionable right now, as that’s inventory weekend at work and the schedule is marked “NO OFFS” for this day. I’ve mentioned (ahem…whined…) about this to my manager, but I’m not sure yet if I’ll be able to make it or not. A shame, as I’ve been there in 2001, 2003, 2004, and 2005.

    6. Bumbershoot (Saturday 8/2 – Monday 8/4): A possibility, but questionable at this point. Prairie and I skipped last years, and may end up skipping this year also. If it weren’t enough that ticket prices keep getting higher and they’ve dropped Friday from the festival schedule, we’re looking into the possibility of taking a 2-week trip down to California in September, so timing and finances may not allow adding Bumbershoot to the mix. Until that’s confirmed, though, it’s still a tentative on my list.

And…I think that pretty much covers everything for now.

Oh, one last thing. Battlestar Galactica just wrapped up their second season. Oh. Wow. So good. If you’re watching the show, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not watching it…well, you should be. Grab Season One from Amazon or Netflix, and Season Two from iTunes, sit your butt down, and watch the best sci-fi to grace the small screen in years.

Okay. Now I’m done.