Yes, ladies and gents, it’s another in my rapidly-growing list of complete geek posts. Enjoy!
Yet another trick in place
Alrighty then — more goodies are in place!
To go with the (re-)addition of the smiley hack, I’ve combined a couple other ideas to really enhance the comment postings here. Now, when you leave a comment, in addition to the live comment preview, just above the ‘Name’ field you’ll see a ‘Show smileys »’ link. Clicking on that will reveal a row of smileys — click on any one of them, and the correct code for that smiley will be automatically added to your comment post. Not enough smileys? Click on the ‘More smileys »’ link for a second set. If you don’t want all those faces staring at you while you type, just choose ‘« Hide smileys’ or ‘« Hide more smileys’ and they’ll go back into hiding.
A close examination (well…okay, it wouldn’t have to be that close) of the multitudes of smileys that I originally posted will reveal that there are a lot more smileys available here than I’ve included as clickable in the comments area — I’m still deciding whether or not to add a third set to the comment forms. For now, however, should anyone want to use one of the other smileys…well, I’ll leave that as an exercise for you to figure out. :D
Thanks to ScriptyGoddess Jenn for the clickable-smiley code — the hide/show code I actually managed to figure out on my own after checking out quite a few examples, including Scripty Goddess Jenn’s, Aarondot’s, and an article from O’Reilly.
No, really, it’s innocent!
So it seems there’s a Harry Potter toy that’s becoming fairly popular with girls — the Nimbus 2000 vibrating broomstick.
The reviews make this even funnier…
When my 12 year old daughter asked for this for her birthday, I kind of wondered if she was too old for it, but she seems to LOVE it. Her friends love it too! They play for hours in her bedroom with this great toy. They really seem to like the special effects it offers (the sound effects and vibrating). My oldest daughter (17) really likes it too! I reccomend this for all children.
Heck, while we’re at it, why not just give them a Hello Kitty Vibrator, too? At least that’s a bit more honest about its intentions!
(via So Very Posh)
Smileys are back!
I had this hack installed a while ago, and had managed to kill it — well, it’s back! Now, when I or anyone posting a comment types in a ‘smiley’ code (for instance, ‘:)’) it will be replaced by the corresponding ‘smiley’ (in this case, ‘:)’).
Below is a list of all the smileys available – just hold your mouse over each one to see the code that produces it.
Thanks to Yahoo! Messenger for the smileys, Sector 101 for the list of codes that mine are based on (though not identical to), and So Very Posh for the hack.
Suddenly cab drivers seem sane
So how’s this for a joyride?
As the city bus drove down the street, two men in the back got into a fight. Concerned for the safety of himself and his other passengers, the driver pulled over to the side of the road and had everyone — including the two men in the altercation — evacuate the bus. Everyone did, save one person, who proceeded to take the bus on a six-minute long joyride through Seattle, reaching speeds estimated at close to 80 miles per hour, destroying eight cars and hospitalizing six people, before eventually plowing through a lamppost and several trees and stopping only when it slammed into a retaining wall.
It’s still unclear just what prompted this little rampage, though apparently his hearing is set for today. Crazy, crazy stuff.
Cool tricks with MovableType
I wanted to toss this up really quickly before I crashed out tonight — over the course of the evening, I’ve tossed in a few very cool tweaks to my blog setup.
First off, the month-by-month archive listings (listed beneath the calendar on the right under the heading ‘Monthly Archives’) now display as a full calendar, with links to the individual posts displayed on the day they were posted. Just a nicer visual presentation than one long page for each month, as I had before. (Suggestion from andersja, code from Dive into Mark.)
The second tweak I’m all sorts of impressed by. There was a great little script posted on ScriptyGoddess that allowed me to implement live comment previewing. Basically, this creates a preview area where you can see what your comment will look like as you type it. It renders HTML as it’s typed too, so if you like to use any code in your comments, that will show in the preview too! Really, really nifty — and easier to see for yourself than for me to try to describe. I’m sure you’ll figure it out easily enough once you see it in action.
That’s about it for tonight…bedime for Bonzo now, tomorrow’s my really late night at work. Woohoo!
Portugal sounds nice…
This is one of the posts I lost in the crash — but I remembered that I’d had it up, and went looking for the original links.
MetaFilter had a link up to a story about a man who refused to stop having sex with a woman in a public pool until she reached orgasm.
This led to an entertaining little discussion, starting with beth‘s assertion that “…just for the record not every woman in the world wants an orgasm every time“. Things bounced merrily along for a while, until Miguel Cardoso posted the following entertaining and fascinating rundown of Porgugese sexual customs.
(Liberal use of ‘the F word’ follows, though [IMHO] not in an offensive manner.)
One upside of having to redo everything from the ground up is that it’s allowing me to play with some ideas that I’d had floating around in my head for a while, and just hadn’t tried yet — and other ideas that have just appeared during this project.
The latter category is responsible for the newest addition to my site — WudiVisions, a ‘PhotoBlog’. While I certainly make no claims of being a professional photographer of any sort, I do occasionally come up with something that I like, and so I figured I’d toss this together as a way to keep something of a ‘best of’ archive of my photos.
The design isn’t final (nor is the name, actually — anyone care to suggest a better title than ‘WudiVisions’?), but as with the rest of the site, it’s at least up and running. I’ve also dropped a small preview icon into the sidebar here on The Long Letter — anytime I put a new image up in WudiVisions, that preview image will update.
See? More goodies!
It’s a long, long way from where we want to be…
— O.M.D., ‘Pandora’s Box (It’s a Long, Long Way)’
A long, long way it is, but progress is being made. I’ve managed to get all the template files that MT uses to build the pages recreated, so my site is back to the look I’d settled on just before the crash.
There’s still a long road ahead of me — everything from reconstructing the rest of the site outside of the Long Letter to re-entering all of the old Long Letter posts (yup — all 500-some have to be put back in). Still, I’m started. That’s something, right?
Just planning things out
This may or may not be of interest to the world at large…just planning things out for the eventual reconstruction of