The pope said what?

In November, the frail and ailing Pontiff sent his first email, a message sent to his Bishops in Oceania in lieu of what would be a taxing visit. “This new Internet is a Blessing from the Lord,” the Pope said through an interpreter, “but Jesus Motherfarking Christ, these annoying-ass pop-up ads are farking pissing me off.”

The Schmews

The return of Spudnuts

I got the following off of the comment thread from this post by Wil’s wife on WWDN. Yes, I know i’ve been mentioning that site fairly often lately…but Wil rocks, as does his wife, and as do many of the people who read and comment on his site. It’s become a daily stop for me.

Anyway, one of the regular readers and posters-of-comments has been MIA for a while. Last night at around 2am, Spudnuts returned with a vengeange. Whoever Spudnuts is, he’s one of the funniest guys I’ve read stuff from — and the following series of posts demanded to be saved. If you read this, I hope you get as much of a giggle out of it as I did. The majority of the posts are by Spudnuts, plus there’s a few relevant posts by other WWDN regulars in there too.

Read more

Cross-platform 2.0

Tom was good enough to send me two screenshots of my site that he took on his *nix box. Generally good results, but (sigh) not perfect. In any case, I’ve updated my browser compatibility chart with his submissions.

Thanks Tom!

MT Upgrade

While I’m sure this matters to absolutely nobody except me, I thought I’d post a quick note to track the changes — I’ve just upgraded Movable Type (the scripts that I use to run and manage my blog) to version 1.4. If anyone reading this is tech-geeky enough to care, here’s a list of the changes in this upgrade. I may be playing with some of these new features in the future….


Need a cheap excuse to party? At 8:02pm tonight, if you use military time, it will be 20:02 20/02 2002. This won’t happen again until Dec. 12, 2112 at 12:12pm — and won’t happen again after that.

But I’ll be sure to put a post up here to remind you all then.

Seven things

Wil has a wonderful post up on his site where he suggests making a list of 7 things we’re thankful for. The comments for the thread have a ton of these lists from the various people reading Wil’s site — the following is what I posted.

Well, I’m a little late to the party, but that’s okay. Fashionably late is cool, right? :)

7 things I’m thankful for…in no particular order…

  1. Waking up a little late to predictions of clouds and rain…then making it to work on time and watching the clouds blow by and blue skies and sunshine lighting up downtown Seattle.
  2. The fact that I’m finally actually living in Seattle rather than Anchorage, Alaska.
  3. Growing up in Anchorage. I had all sorts of goofball experiences and made wonderful friends that I wouldn’t have otherwise.
  4. Having three weddings to go to within the next two years — James and Stacy this June, Casey and Jenny this July, and my brother Kevin and Emily next year sometime.
  5. Old friends that were here when I moved down, new friends that I’ve been making since I moved down, and a girlfriend that’s kind of a bizarre combination of both of those, in a wierd sort of way.
  6. Movies, music, books, and ‘puters — four things that, both collectively and individually, I spend way too much money on. But that’s the point of having the money there in the first place, right?
  7. Life. Just being here. Seeing each day pass by, with all of the good and bad things that happen. Knowing that no matter how bad things seem to be at any given point, there are always more days coming along that can — and will — hold wonders just as amazing as whatever may be getting me down.

It’s an incredible world we live in, and it’d be a pity not to step back, look around, and actually see some of the things we tend to take for granted. Thanks for this list suggestion, Wil, and thanks to for everyone who’s contributing (maybe that’s number 8 on my list?).

Cool beans.


blasphemy means ignoring your dreamsI found this at Unamerican. Very cool site.

Okay, I’ve spent some more time bouncing around the site, and I really don’t want to say nothing except ‘very cool site’ — that’d be doing it such a disservice. I haven’t even done much more than skim over most of the site — there’s a ton of stuff to read — but I’ve gone over the catalog of shirts and stickers, and I want to order one of each of the shirts, and about five of each of the stickers. Seriously. I could think of so many places to put so many of these stickers. They’re great.

So head over there, check it out. Buy me stuff. :D Buy yourself stuff. Or just look and get a giggle at some of the stuff there. It’s cool.

There’s also some very interesting — and very frightening — stuff to be found in the links from the site. Such as this column on ‘Homeland Security’ checkpoints being set up. I haven’t been as paranoid as some people I’ve met…but stuff like this really makes me wonder.

Britney Spears

[Britney Spears] is progressively wearing less and less at an alarming rate. It won’t be long until she’s dancing around bare ass nude at Arena football halftime shows while dousing her naked gyrating body in Pepsi.

— Brian Lawrence, discussing the new Britney Spears movie on the HTF