My response on reading the question that headlines this article — Should Geeks, or Governments, Run the Net? — was “Why is this a question? Geeks!” After reading the article — well, my answer hasn’t changed, but I do wish there was more actual content to the article. An intersting storm brewing here, though.
Brief bits on my actual life!
First off — according to the software I use to run this blog, this is my 400th post! At least, it’s 400 since November of 2000…I’d actually been doing daily updates in a blog format before that, but as I wasn’t using any sort of backup or management system like I am now, they disappeared. Ah, well. Still not too bad of a track record so far.
Anyway. Yeah. In the midst of replying to an e-mail from my mom, I realized that while I’ve been putting a lot of links up (hey, I think they’re interesting….), any content actually dealing with my life has been pretty sparse recently. Mostly that’s just because there hasn’t been a whole lot to say, but it’s also because I’ve been posting mostly from work recently — things have been slow, which gives me time to bounce around the ‘net. Once I’m home in the evenings, I’m dealing with food, e-mail, the occasional movie, hanging out with Candice, and other such things. End result — a veritable plethora of ways for people to leave my website, but not much to make them stick around. Yeah…I’m a professional, can’t you tell? :)
So…using my e-mail back to parents as a jumping off point…here’s a brief update.
I think I’m glad you aren’t working directly for Arthur Anderson! You may still be employed after the shakedown.
True — but where? Timing is actually somewhat amusing, to tell the truth. When I first signed up for this assignment, Xerox asked (as Andersen was prompting them to) if I could commit to a year. I figured I could do that, so said yes…at this point, that decision seems to have definite pros and cons. On the plus side, I ended up in a position that survived the post-9/11 fallout, and as of yet haven’t had to jump into a job market recently flooded with 20,000 ex-Boeing employees. The downside is that I’m daily more frustrated with the fact that after nearly 10 years I’m still ‘pushing the green button’, and am more and more looking forward to the end of the year timespan so that I can see if I can find something else (it’s that silly semi-overdeveloped sense of responsibility you and I share kicking in again…I said I’d do the year, therefore I’ll do the year :) ). The upshot? I’m starting to wonder if Andersen will last long enough for me to finish that year I promised them….
SPELLING WORD FOR THE WEEK: Column: you have the hard part, the silent N, but get carried away with LLs.
Yea, yea, nag, nag.
:) I wondered about that, but hadn’t looked it up yet. I’ll work on getting that one down. Overall I think that among you, dad, and the school system, I manage to do a fairly credible job with the English language (at least, when I write more than just a simple short blurb) — but even I do have a few areas I consistently mangle. But hey — at least I’m consistent, right?
You must be terribly busy in the mornings at work, since many of your posts are put up between 9 and 10 am.
We’ve been so dead recently. I’m just glad they let me play when things are slow…though this may end, soon (the slow time, not the ability to bounce around the web), I think we’re in the proverbial ‘calm before the storm.’ At least, something about working at a top-5 financial/tax firm with less than a month before April 15th would seem to indicate that things might get a wee bit busier soon. ;)
It’s been COLD, but beautiful recently. Mornings between -10 and +10, afternoons in the 20’s, but clear as can be.
As I’ve mentioned before in the past, I really do like winters in Alaska. As long as they’re on the other side of a window, and I’m next to a fireplace. The prettiest days are the ones that you just don’t want to be outside in.
At least, sane people don’t want to be outside in that weather ;).
Other than that, nothing major going on at the moment (hence the lack of more personal substance on the site for a bit now). I’m still waiting on the call from the landlord to get into the new apartment, and am hoping that that comes through in the next day or so. And, all around, life pretty much progresses, as it is wont to do (snicker…no, I’m not dad’s kiddo…not at all).
Writing is good
More on blogging: could blogging and its reliance on the textual news and sources help reclaim the importance of the written word and lessen our reliance on television as the disseminator of all information?
Lots of music links
I need to remember to come back to this MeFi thread — lots of links to online remix sources and radio stations.
Dubya needs to get laid!
We, the undersigned, in the interest of international harmony and seeking an end to all violence in this world, do hereby call on the president of the United States, George W. Bush, to find a fully consenting adult intern to service his sexual needs.
Mutant space bugs!
Science-fiction becomes reality? Space-mutated metal-eating viruses that caused problems on Mir may now be at the bottom of the Pacific ocean. Reassuring, no?
Soundbugs look cool
Yay for new toys! I may need to pick up at least one of these little gadgets — Soundbug turns flat surface into speakers. More information can be found on the Terfenol company website.
iMacs in the movies
Most of the computers in movies for several years have been Macintoshes, maybe because the Mac is the only computer that doesn’t look like every other computer and therefore benefits from product placement. But this is the first movie in which an entire iMac commercial runs on TV in the background of a shot.
How’s that for random trivia? Thanks to Roger Ebert’s review of Showtime for this little tidbit.
Powered armor
It’s too bad this is such a fluff piece, but CNET is reporting that MIT will be researching Nanotech body armor for the Army.