Back in Seattle

Well, I’ve made it back. I didn’t get a chance to update more during the weekend, and I’m too tired to do a full update now…but it was a good weekend. Saw some friends, met Candice’s family, she met mine, all went well. The flight home was much better than the flight to Ak, which was a great relief — though I don’t think I’ll ever be completely comfortable with flying again. Grrr. Ah, well.

In any case, I’m back, and I’ll babble more about things later on, I’m sure. Hope everyone else had a good Christmas too!

Back in Anchorage

Welp, I made it to Anchorage — although, to be honest, I really didn’t think I would for a while. I had the single worst flight I’ve ever been on on the way up. Most of it went fine, but then about half an hour before we touched down, we hit the worst turbulence I’ve ever gone through, plus multiple air pockets where the airplane would suddenly drop for a couple seconds before it caught lift again. I’ve got to say, that was the most all-out terrified I’ve ever been — one drop I might have made it through with just being a little frightened, but when it kept happening over and over, I really started to freak out. I was completely convinced that we were going down — especially when after it started happening, and when the captain came on the intercom, rather than telling us something about how we’d hit some turbulence and would we please all sit down (which, while it would be stating the obvious, would have been somewhat reassuring), all he said was, “would the flight crew please sit down and buckle in now.” Not encouraging.

However, we did make it through (after feeling the plane drop out from underneath me way too many times), and eventually landed in Anchorage. I’ve never been so happy to get off an airplane in my life. It’s kind of frustrating really — I’ve never been scared of flying before. Now I’m nervous about getting on the plane back to Seattle in a few days. I will — but I’m a lot more antsy about it now than I would have been otherwise. I’m probably not the only one, either, as I heard many of the other passengers commenting that none of them had ever been through something that bad — turbulence, sure, but never fifteen minutes of continued extremely heavy turbulence with four or five air pockets. I never want to have to go through that again.

In any case, once we were down and got off the plane, parents met me outside the gates. We headed down to the baggage claim to pick up my one piece of checked luggage — my umbrella. I’d taken it with me out of habit this morning when I went to work, and since it’s a full-size umbrella with an inch and a half long metal tip, the airlines made me check it in rather than letting me keep it with me as a carryon. Unfortunately, the baggage handlers at Sea-Tac forgot to actually load it on my plane, so it’ll be getting delivered here to my parents’ house sometime tomorrow. I didn’t even have any real luggage and they managed to lose it!

Once we got back to the house it was around 12:30am and parents were pretty beat, so they went right to bed. I called Candice, and the two of us met up at VINL. We stayed there until about 2:30 or so, when we both decided that we had better go home until we passed out right there in the booths. We each headed back to our respective families’ houses…and here I am.

And now that this update is in…bedtime for bonzo. G’night folks!

I’m shocked. Really.

Generally, I’m not much of one to take pleasure in others’ misfortunes. However, I do have to admit that it does my little Mac-lovin’ heart proud to be walking around Seattle, WA — just down the road from the pit of despair itself — and to see every newspaper stand in town featuring a headline in large, bold type, across the entire width of the front page proclaiming “XP VULNERABLE TO HACKER ATTACKS

Windows? XP? With bugs? Naah. You’re kidding. No way. I never would have guessed.

Keep in mind, this comes from a company that, when they were advertising the then-upcoming release of Windows 2000, their sales brochure triumphantly proclaimed that Win2k “includes tens of thousands of bug fixes from Windows NT 4.0!!!” (Note: For those that may think I’m mis-remembering or flat-out making this quote up, many more citations can be found with a quick Google search.)

Excuse me? Your marketing scheme for your new high-end ultra-reliable ultra-secure server operating system is to freely admit that your previous high-end ultra-reliable ultra-secure server operating system shipped not just with bugs…not just with a few bugs…but with tens of thousands of bugs?


New blog software – MovableType

Okay, I’m finally up and running! This kept me up longer than it should have, as I’m supposed to be packing so that I can head up to Alaska right after work tomorrow, but it’s done now. I switched my weblog software from NewsPro over to Movable Type. Took me a bit to get everything set up and configured right so that it didn’t require re-coding this entire page, but everything seems to be up and working now.

There’s a new comments system to play with, and in general a lot more features for me to experiment with. I’ve still got some cleaning up to do — for instance, the archives aren’t online yet, nor do I know if I can enable the search or e-mail functions the way I had them just yet, but I’m looking into it. I’ll get to that some other time, though — at the moment, it’s time for me to pack, and then get some sleep.

That’s more like it

Okay — finally figured out the tricks to the css code I was working on, so now the site looks like I was aiming for way back when when I started this whole redesign thing. It’s a fairly minor change from what it’s been for a few months, but I like this a bit better. It’s about time I got it figured out…managed to do it without screwing things up this time. :)

Two more projects coming up — the first is going to be changing the .cgi I use to post news to Moveable Type, as it’s got a fair amount of features that my current .cgi (NewsPro) doesn’t have, or if it does, they’re not quite as smoothly integrated. Secondly, finally going through the rest of the site and actually getting all the pages using a consistent look — something that I just haven’t gotten done yet. Ah, well.

But for now — time to head out, get some food, do some shopping, and other fun things along those lines.

Hasta la bye-bye.

Site fixed, new addy, and LOTR

Okies — first off, I was able to restore this main page from a recent backup, so the page is back to normal again.

Secondly — is active! Yay! I’ll go ahead and leave the old addy active for a while, but the preferred address for my site is now Woohoo!

Lastly — just got back not too long ago from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. In a word — incredible. I’m not sure I can get much more than that out yet, a more detailed review will have to wait, but…. Well, I enjoy fantasy movies, and they’re a lot of fun, but this is the first time I can remember that a fantasy film was that good and true to the spirit of the genre, completely sweeping you up in its world and carrying you along the entire time. Just wonderful.

And it’s going to be a long year until the next part….


Well, I was experimenting a bit with the layout of the site, and managed to more or less hose things fairly well. So…things don’t look quite right at the moment. I’ll try to get them straightened out as soon as I can, but not sure when that’ll be — tomorrow night is Lord of the Rings, so I’ll be home late. Grrrr….

Two quick things

One silly that popped into my head: why is the plural of box ‘boxes’ when the plural of ox is ‘oxen’? You just have to love the English language, don’t you?

Second thing — Moulin Rouge! Yay! Picked it up today at lunch…now I just can’t wait to get home so I can watch it. Future project: creating my own 2-CD soundtrack by running my DVD’s audio output into my computer so that I can burn the entire movie to audio CD. The official soundtrack is certainly wonderful, but there were so many other songs that I wanted to be able to listen to…and now I’ll have them! Woohoo!

Six months in Seattle!

Woohoo! I was just about to go to bed when I realized that as of today (well…the 16th), I’ve been living in Seattle for six months! In that six months, I’ve found a solid 40-hour a week job with good possibilities for getting permanently hired on with Xerox at some point in the future; I’ve found a cute little apartment right near the Capitol Hill district; I’m earning enough money to be able to afford a high speed DSL connection to the Internet; and I’ve found myself a really wonderful girlfriend.

I think it’s official — I’ve managed to duck the Hellraiser chains that drag so many people back to Alaska when they try to leave.