Day 125: I actually got dressed and left the house today! Just a brief run to Target, but hey, it was something to do on the final day before going back to work. And our final Lego vacation memento: Another version of London.
Year 50 Day 124
Day 124: Being able to have nearly a full unscheduled week after the travel part of our vacation finished is so nice. I highly recommend this approach to easing back into normal life. Oh, and today’s post-vacation Lego: a classic red double-decker London bus!
Year 50 Day 122
Day 122: More lazing around. We haven’t even unpacked or done laundry yet! Today’s post-travel Lego build: A classic yellow New York City taxicab.
Year 50 Day 121
Day 121: We’re home! After three weeks of travel, including a transcontinental railway journey from Seattle to New York City, touring NYC and seeing a Broadway show, a trans-Atlantic voyage on the Queen Mary II, four days in London, the flight back, and a couple nights to acclimate, it’s good to be in our own space again!
Also, during the months leading up to the trip, we found a few Lego sets that relate to the trip in some way. However, we didn’t want to build them just yet, as any photos might have ended up hinting at our travels, and we were having fun planning that without telling most people about our plans. So now I get to build them! First up: The New York City skyline.
Year 50 Day 35
Day 35: I’m giving my wife’s Lego Jurassic Park T-Rex Escape set a home for a few months while she’s taking the summer off and changing offices.
Linkdump for September 1st through September 3rd
Sometime between September 1st and September 3rd, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too!
- It Came From the ’70s: The Story of Your Grandma’s Weird Couch: “The ’70s, however, was a time when everyone, even the Western-loving square, was more open to experimenting in some way. Some people tried drugs or hosted swinging sex parties; others channeled their sense of adventure exclusively into garish upholstery.”
- Why tech’s favorite color is making us all miserable: “The cold blue light of modern touchscreens may be aesthetically pleasing, but it poses health problems. Designers and technologists should take cues from military history and embrace the orange.”
- Lego Wants to Completely Remake Its Toy Bricks (Without Anyone Noticing): “It wants to eliminate its dependence on petroleum-based plastics, and build its toys entirely from plant-based or recycled materials by 2030.”
- The man who owns the Moon: "For more than 35 years, Dennis Hope has been selling land on the Moon. Hope registered a claim for the Moon in 1980 and, since the US government & the UN didn’t object, he figures he owns it (along with the other planets and moons in the solar system)."
- A twitter thread in which I drag every single US president in order:: Not many get off lightly — nor should they. Not an approach to history you're likely to find in most history classes.
Got my Women of NASA Lego set!
Silly birthday presents from mom: A knit helmet, and a Lego(-compatible) mug and wizard.
This isn’t released until a couple weeks after my birthday, but this new LEGO rollercoaster would still make a great (late) birthday present, on the off chance one of you has a spare $380 to spend on me. ;)