A dark day for buttrock

Well, just found out that Metallica’s bassist has quit the band. I guess it’s kind of a bummer…never been a huge Metallica fan, but never really disliked them either. Oh, well, these things happen.

I’m just kind of curious how long it’ll take before we start hearing news stories about the majority of the Mat-Su valley slitting their wrists in dispair…. ;)


I’ve been having some real problems sleeping for some reason lately — last night I went to bed and crashed out at 10pm, then was awake again at 1:30am, and couldn’t crash out until around 4am. Really, really annoying…so, in honor of my own sad state, I found the lyrics for “Insomnia” by Faithless (one of my favorite dance tracks).

I only smoke weed when I need to,
And I need to get some rest,
I confess, I burnt a hole in the matress,
Yes, yes, it was me, I plead guilty,
And on the count of three I pull back the duvet,
Make my way to the refrigerator,
One dry potato inside, no lie
Not even bread, jam,
When the light above my head went bam!
I can’t sleep, something’s all over me,
Greasy, insomnia please release me,
And let me dream about making mad love on the heath,
Tearing off tights with my teeth.
But there’s no relief,
I’m wide awake in my kitchen,
It’s dark and I’m lonely,
Oh, if I could only get some sleep,
Creeky noises make my skin creep,
I need to get some sleep,
I can’t get no sleep.

© Faithless (Maxi Jazz/Sister Bliss/Rollo)

[From Usenet: 12.19.00 0228]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.culture.alaska Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

Hey all –

Just a quick note that I’m working on starting a new website tracking local Anchorage musicians, who’s playing where, things like that. Features on the site include a calendar of events, downloadable .mp3 files of some performances, and a BBS. I’m mainly focusing on underground/alternative stuff, from punk to rave to urban, but tend to wander all over the place depending on what information I get to post.

Feel free to stop by and take a look sometime…


Thanks! :)


Went out to catch Parallax1‘s show tonight. Very cool, they’re a great bunch, and keep doing very interesting stuff with their music.

Not much other than that…stayed up to late chatting at VI again. Ah, well — one more day of work at Suncoast, and then I’m officially on vacation for the next three weeks. It’s about time!

[From Usenet: 1.19.99 0000]

[Note: This was originally a post to the rec.music.industrial Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <77v6ki$eo...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>, diakon_rad...@newempire.com wrote:

She is the Mariah Carey of the Jihad! :-)

If you go to any gothic clubs you have probably heard her voice on back up on the remix / latest version of Sisters Of Mercy track “Temple Of Love”.

She is one of few artists who managed to cross the barriers between Hebrew and Arabic listeners in the Middle East.

Incidentally, she just provided the voice for one of the supporting characters (unfortunately, I can’t remember which one) in the animated film ‘Prince of Egypt’ – I figured it was her when I heard her sing, then checked the credits to be sure.

[From Usenet: 8.22.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.nin Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <6rl9d0$fv...@news.doit.wisc.edu>, Mother’s Little Helper <val...@stoned.com> wrote:

RaumKatze2 <raumkat...@aol.com> wrote:

> You can play any music with any movie or tv show, and there are bound to be syncronicities with lyrics, dynamics, rhythm, and other stuff.

One of the scariest exqamples of this was one day in 1995 when we noticed that Sesame Street was perfectly synched with the Sir Mix-a-Lot album we were listening to…it was scary.

One of the funniest I’ve seen was watching Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” in fast forward while listening to nin’s broken album. Fit way too well…funny as shit, too.

[From Usenet: 7.20.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.techno Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <6p2df9$k3...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>, mats...@statcan.ca wrote:

So does anyone know the song I am talking about? :) I have a small mp3 that is a minute long of this Antiloop Megamix.. “Dr. Jones” If anyone has the full song in mp3 format, or knows if its obtainable on CD , please let me know…

Much as spending money on Aqua hurt, I know the track…I found it on a japanese import CD called Aquamania: The Remixes Vol. I – picked it up at a local Camelot, of all things. Truthfully, the disc surprised me…a lot of the remixes are pretty good. Those songs can acutually get decent when you strip out the vocals and tweak the remixes enough… “

[From Usenet: 7.19.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.nin Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]


Curious…are there any amninnies (did I get that right…?) other than me up here in Alaska? I’ve been lurking around this newsgroup for probably about five years now, and am more and more curious about whether or not any of the names I see here either live or visit this frozen wasteland. So far the closest I’ve known of is finding out that Robin’s got family up here, but as I’ve yet to spot the only other heater t-shirt I know of it the state, I haven’t found her yet. Gets kind of boring up here…the general population of Anchorage is pretty uninteresting.

Hm. I know…as soon as I win the lottery (y’know, Ed McMahon knocking on my door and all that shit), I’ll see about taking over a local hotel and hosting a nincon up here just for shits and giggles…unleash all of you on the local population. It’s a fun thought…hell, it’d be funny as hell to sic a bunch of ninnies on the club I dj at — most of the kids there think that nin started with closer and marilyn manson are the height of being gothic. Ah, well, so it goes…I’ll escape from this place eventually.

Anyway, enough late night (early morning?) babble for now.


[From Usenet: 7.11.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.techno Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <6o3jrq$v4...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>, joey...@hotmail.com wrote:

There is this old but good song back in 1992 I believe. It is a techno song or techno rave song with a woman singing….

“its a fine day people are ……” It has a suzanne vega beat and hard techno hits…The only words I remember is “ITS A FINE DAY…” PEOPLE ARE STILL SOMETHING?????

My guess would be either Orbital’s Halcyon (or Halcyon & On & On, same music, just a voxless dub), or from what I understand they took the vocal sample from a song by Opus3. Never caught the name of the Opus3 track, however.

It’s a fine day, people open windows, they leave their houses, just for a short while….it’s going to be a fine night tonight, it’s going to be a fine day tomorrow…etc.

[From Usenet: 6.4.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.makers.dj Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

This may easily be a blatant newbie question, but…well, having just found this newsgroup, I guess I’m a newbie. So, bear with me, or possibly point me to a FAQ (should such exist).


I’ve been dj’ing up here in Anchorage, Alaska at various clubs for about five years now. Unfortunately, Alaska tends to run about (at least) two years behind the times in just about everything, especially music. Bleah.

So…I’m wondering if anyone has any pointers or tips as far as getting on any label promotional mailing lists (pre-release promo singles, etc.). It’s hard enough weeding through what new music we get up here to find the stuff worth spending the money on…freebies could be a major benefit. Plus, it’d be cool…

The current club I work at (Gig’s Music Theatre – http://www.alaska.net/~woody/gigs/ ) encompasses a fairly wide range of music (just about anything except country, rap, top-40, and hip-hop), but has lately been leaning much more towards the dance/progressive/house scene (no complaints here!), if that makes a difference.

Any info would be greatly appreciated…feel free to reply here, or use my email address at the bottom of this post. Thanks in advance!

Oh…and just to butt in on another thread…I learned beatmatching on the Pioneer CDJ’s (500’s, I believe), have used a couple Denon models, and currently use (at the club) a Numark (Denon ripoff). Having learned on the Pioneers, I prefer those (even though I’ve never tried dj’ing from vinyl), but have also found the Denon mixers quite useable. Even the Numark isn’t too bad, once you get used to having to constantly compensate for the lack of instant start (argh!). My feelings on the whole thread…try and get the opportunity to use both styles, you’ll get a feel for what you like. And if you can’t afford what you like…hell, if it works, get it! More money will come later, if things go well….