Finally. After nearly one month and almost six hundred photos uploaded, I’m done with this year’s Norwescon! As fun as it is, as much as I enjoy being there and playing photographer, and as great as it is to get comments from people as they find themselves in the photos…man, this took a while! Ah, well — good-natured grousing aside, it’s well worth it, and I’m looking forward to next year’s.
I’d already mentioned finishing up Friday’s photos a couple weeks ago. Last night, I finally uploaded the last of my photos from Saturday, the only other day I was there.
Saturday’s shots are pretty obviously divided into three sections:
- Random costumes as I wandered around the lobby and hallways of the hotel,
- the Hoedown in Space Saturday night dance at the end,
- and, of course, the post-Masquerade costume gallery takes up the majority of the set. There were lots of great costumes this year. A few personal favorites, in no particular order other than where they appeared in the lineup:
- The Rocketeer,
- the women of Starfleet (complete with Command Panties),
- the Faun family (cutest family ever!),
- the Satyr Handlers (especially the snow leopard and wiccabeast, evidently something of a central character for the group concept),
- the Vorlon,
artvixn‘s geisha kitsune,
- Final Fantasy IX’s Freya in ‘trance’ mode (shiny!),
- and, of course, the jaw-dropping Dar’Rushk the manticore (who battled a mercenary and Xena and Gabrielle, but befriended a unicorn).
Of course, that’s just a small (well, okay, not that small) selection of what was at Con. I did my best to get the best shots I could of everyone I could, and had a lot of fun doing it.
Also (and especially important for those people I got photos of): because I release my shots under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license (attribution/non-commercial/sharealike), you may share (copy, re-post, distribute, or transmit) the photos, provided that you give me credit as photographer (preferably by linking back to the photo’s page on Flickr, or at least to my Flickr, LiveJournal, or personal pages, but simply by name — Michael Hanscom or djwudi — will work in a pinch). Thanks very much for respecting this — since I’m not trying to make money off this photography thing*, what little recognition I can get is very appreciated!
Thanks much, everyone — enjoy the photos, and I’ll run into you again next year (if not sooner)!
- Though, if anyone would like to purchase high-quality prints of their shots, I wouldn’t be averse to discussing it… ;)