Book sixteen (and sixth and final #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: Unpronounceable, by Susan diRende. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Philip K Dick Award
Book fifteen (and fifth #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: Super Extra Grande, by Yoss. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book fourteen (and fourth #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: Hwarhath Stories, by Eleanor Arnason ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book thirteen (and third #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: Consider, by Kristy Acevedo. 🌟🌟🌟
Book twelve (and second #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: Graft, by Matt Hill. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book eleven (and first #PKDickAward nominee) of 2017: The Mercy Journals, by Claudia Casper. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
My #PKDickAward books are in! I’ve got until April 14 to get through this stack. No problem!
2017 PK Dick Nominees
The nominees for this year’s Philip K. Dick awards have been announced! I look forward to this list every year, as the award ceremony is held at Norwescon each year. For the past few years I’ve been making it a point to read all of the nominees before the ceremony, so that I can have my own opinion as to which work I think should win (and so far, I haven’t picked correctly once), and because it’s a lot of fun to be in the room with the authors or their representatives when the award is given out.
This year’s lineup looks like an interesting one. Of the six books, only one looks to be in the post-apocalyptic vein, which I count as a good thing, as that was a definite theme for a few years that I got a little burnt out on. Of the other five, one book is a YA novel, one’s from a Cuban author and has been translated to English, one looks to be more straightforward SF adventure, one looks enjoyably weird, and one looks particularly interesting to me.
I’ve ordered my copies from Amazon, they should be here early next week, and I’m looking forward to diving into them.
2015 P.K. Dick Award Nominee Rankings
My ranking of this year’s Philip K. Dick Award nominated books, from least favorite to my top pick for the award (which, historically, has yet to match the actual award winner, so don’t put too much stock in my ranking):
- After the Saucers Landed, by Douglas Lain. Odd in ways that don’t resonate with me, and I found it rather boring.
(R)evoution, by P.J. Manney. Some interesting ideas on transhumanism and nanotechnology, but too many of the characterizations really bothered me. Actually ended up disliking this one. Only takes fifth rather than sixth because at least I wasn’t bored.
Archangel, by Marguerite Reed. Not a bad book, but for some reason, failed to engage me.
Windswept, by Adam Rakunas. An entertaining adventure that made business-vs-union conflict more interesting than I would have guessed. Fun, but didn’t grab me the way I’d want a winner to do.
Apex, by Ramez Naam. The conclusion to a trilogy, with lots of near-future extrapolation of mind/computer interfaces and enhancement and transhumanism. The end notes discussing today’s technology and how close we may actually be to some of what’s described in the books were particularly fascinating. Almost took the top spot, but in what is a personal and somewhat silly consideration, I tend to favor “standalone” books that handle all their worldbuilding over books that are later entries in a series, which benefit from all the plot and worldbuilding already established in the prior books.
Edge of Dark, by Brenda Cooper. More transhumanism, only this time from a far-future perspective, when once human entities banished from human space due to fears of what they were becoming return to human space. Well-realized and interesting characters, really neat possibilities for future technologically-enhanced evolution, and very believable conflict. Definitely my top pick.
I was quite happy to see that the theme of “depressing trudging through postapocalyptic wastelands” trend of the past few years wasn’t represented at all in this year’s pick, with transhumanism being the theme of half of this year’s picks — much more along my particular interests.
Now, just over one week to wait until we learn who the winner is at this year’s award ceremony!
Book eleven of 2016: (R)Evolution, by PJ Manney. ⭐️⭐️ #PKDickAward nominee. (75/366)