iPhoto Quandries

A few questions about iPhoto — things that don’t make sense to me.

  1. Why can’t I export items that are on a burned DVD (or CD, I assume)? I’d certainly understand not being able to edit photos, rename them, assign tags, and so on — it’s stored on read-only media. But why in the world can’t I export unless the photos are stored on my local hard drive?

  2. When I drag photos from an archive on DVD into my local photo library in order to export them, why can’t iPhoto keep track of the correct tags? While the tags are fine in the archive, as soon as I copy them into the main library, the photos end up tagged semi-randomly, usually with only one or two tags (and those often seem to be “wedding” and “family”, for some reason).

  3. What is iPhoto doing when it loads an archive from DVD that was created with an older version of iPhoto and it presents you with the “Updating iPhoto Library” dialog box? Obviously, it can’t be updating the database on the DVD, that’s write-only media. I think that it’s creating an updated copy of the archive’s database on the hard drive to use, but if that’s the case, why doesn’t it save that archive for later use? It seems to me that it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to do that, and yet every time I try to load an archived photo library, I have to sit and wait for iPhoto to think.

Thanks to these three issues, I may end up re-importing my three DVDs of archived photos so that they’re all on my hard drive — and then hope that having all the photos available doesn’t slog iPhoto down too terribly. Not my preferred approach (especially as, given issue number two, I’d likely have to go through and re-tag all the photos), but as it is, I dread having to go back to old photo archives.

iTunesShining Star” by Earth Wind and Fire from the album Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1975 (1974, 2:50).

Folklife 2005

As anyone who’s been watching my Flickr photostream is (painfully?) aware of by now, this entire weekend was spent primarily wandering around this year’s Northwest Folklife Festival. Prairie and I both had a lot of fun people watching and picture taking (well, I did the picture taking, we both did the people watching bit), we got to hang out with Laura for a while on Saturday and Sunday, and a good time was had by all.

As always, the full avalanche of pictures are in a Flickr photoset. Here’s one of my favorites…

Folklife 2005, Seattle Center, Seattle, WA

iTunesCalling All Angels” by Lang, K.D./Siberry, Jane from the album Until the End of the World (1991, 5:11).

Little Fluffy Clouds

Wispy clouds, Seattle, WAWhat an incredibly gorgeous day today was. Blue skies with light, wispy clouds high in the sky, with temperatures pushing up into the mid-80’s. As soon as I got off from work I made a quick swing through home to drop off my bag, then spent the next two hours wandering around, people watching and taking photos.

Summer is such a wonderful time in Seattle. Gorgeous weather…and gorgeous eye candy! ;) I’m half convinced that Seattle’s reputation as being constantly grey and drizzly is so firmly embedded into the popular consciousness that any time the sun even hints at appearing, everyone is so determined to take as much advantage of it as possible that hemlines raise, necklines drop, and as much flesh is bared to the sun as is legally allowed.

Then, of course, we end up getting day after day after day after day of weather like this.

It’s a good thing. Especially for those of us who have a predilection for wandering around town admiring the scenery.

iTunesEarth Orbit One: Little Fluffy Clouds” by Orb, The from the album Orb’s Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld, The (1991, 4:27).

Camp Tomato!

So yesterday was Jason Webley‘s Camp Tomato. Prairie and I weren’t entirely sure just what the day would have in store, but we figured it would be fun, so after waking her up from a nap — she, unfortunately, has been battling off the last stages of the same nasty bug I was fighting last week — we hopped in the car and headed over to Woodland Park.

(This one’s long, folks — around 3200 words, 17 images, and one video — the rest is after the cut….)

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Lost broach

Tree broach, Seattle, WA

Walking up Pike St. towards Piecora’s this evening, the glint of the setting sun off of the stones in this broach caught my eye. It was wedged into a knothole in a tree by the side of the street, about a foot above eye level. Missing stones let the gold tones of the metal shine, surrounded by the purples and blues of the remaining gems.

It looked like a child’s plaything, toy jewelry once prized as it adorned the dress of a young girl. Eventually lost as she walked down the street hand-in-hand with her mother, slipping away and bouncing into the gutter, small stones scattering across the sidewalk. Found by some random passerby when the glint of something shiny caught their eye. They picked it up and examined it, decided that it was worthless — an evaluation the little girl would be sure to argue — and, as they continued on their way through Seattle, they reached up and placed it into a convenient resting place on a tree.

There it sits, casting its small colored beams at people as they pass. Some glance up and wonder how it got there, most just walk by, not paying any attention at all.

And one young girl, slightly saddened by the loss of her pretty jewelry, asks her mom as she is tucked in at night if they can go back to the dollar store — where even a child’s allowance can uncover treasures beyond imagining — and find another sparkly for her outfit.

Smiling, her mother assures her that they will. One kiss on the forehead, and the young girl drifts off to sleep, to dance in the golds, blues, and purples of a child’s dreams.

iTunesBack in My Life” by Alice DeeJay from the album Who Needs Guitars Anyway? (1999, 3:29).

Nasty bug

I’ve spent the majority of the last 31 hours or so either unconscious or in a very woozy half-conscious state, thanks to being hit with a nasty cold bug. Loads of fun, let me tell you. Ugh. Right now, I’m just hoping that since it hit me over the weekend and I could spend that much time resting, I’ve knocked the majority of it out of my system, and making it through the work day won’t be too much of a strain.

Before the bug took me out of commission, though, Prairie and I did spend some time on Saturday afternoon out at the Arboretum, and there’s a bunch of new flower shots added to my Arboretum photoset, starting with this fern.

And now, off to soak in a hot shower and hope that the workday isn’t too crazy. Posting may very well be light for the next few days — I’m thinking early bedtimes are going to be a good idea until I’m sure I’ve got this bug taken care of.

iTunesGroove Radio pres. House (full mix)” by Various Artists from the album Groove Radio pres. House (full mix) (1997, 1:13:46).

April Seattle Weblogger’s Meetup

I finally made it out to another Weblogger’s meetup! It was long past time, as the last time I’d made it out was back in November. While I don’t have much basis for comparison, it seemed to be a pretty good turnout again, 20-some people all told, I’d guess. People I know were there and can remember names or websites for include Anita Rowland, Chas, Chris Prillo, TDavid, Jake, Dayment, Jeannie, and Samantha, plus a bunch more people that my brain couldn’t hold onto names or URLs for. I’m sure Anita will have a full attendee list soon.

I’ve tossed some photos up into a photoset, named and tagged as much as possible. Of course, if anyone can identify any of the people I had to leave unnamed, comment and tag away!

(Photo courtesy of Chris Pirillo)

iTunesCornflake Girl” by Amos, Tori from the album Under the Pink (1994, 5:07).