Crossing my fingers

I’ve been giving a lot of thought recently as to what I want to do in the upcoming months. I’m currently working as a temp employee at Xerox, which is all fine and dandy, except for two things.

The green button!

The first is simply that after nearly a decade of “pushing the green button,” I’m getting a bit tired of that. Well, more than a bit. It got old a long, long time ago.

The second is that Xerox’s policy allows for holding someone as a temp for up to 18 months, at the end of which a hire/fire decision needs to be made — either they hire the temp on as a full Xerox employee, or they let the temp go to find other things to do with their life.

My eighteen months ends in mid-February, and I’ve been considering just what to do when the hire/fire decision is presented to me (that, of course, is assuming that it is presented to me, and they don’t just opt to kick me out the door). I’m not entirely convinced at this point that I’d want to sign on to Xerox full-time — I’m already pretty tired of playing with copy machines, and to be entirely honest, I can’t say I’m overly highly impressed with Xerox as a company, after my years of working with them both as a customer and as a (pseudo-)employee. Besides, pushing the green button only has so much of a future to it, in and of itself.

So, a while back, I’d gone poking around Apple’s job site, as it was rumored that they were going to be opening an Apple Store just outside of Seattle, in Bellingham, and I signed up for their job search. Tonight I got e-mailed details on four job openings for the upcoming Bellevue store, and decided what the heck — it’s worth a shot! So, I’ve applied for two of the positions: Mac Specialist and Mac Genius.

Who knows if anything will come of this, but hey — it’s worth a shot!

I want Trinity for my birthday

What is the Matrix?

Not being a football person, I didn’t bother to watch the Superbowl today. In fact, I didn’t even remember that today was Suberbowl Sunday until somewhere partway through the game, when Rick and I were at a diner and heard people in the next bar reacting to something or other in the game. Sports just aren’t my thing.

Anyway, one of the big deals about the Superbowl is always the various commercials and trailers that are shown during the game, since it’s always got such a huge audience. The majority of these generally wouldn’t concern me any more than the Superbowl itself would, but I did find out that the latest trailer for the next two Matrix films was released, and is already available on the net.


Very yummy.

Count me in.

This is a test

This is only a test.

If this were a real post, there would be some actual content worth mentioning.

Thank you for your patience.


Another test: View image.


A while back, while digging through my friend Kory’s page, I stumbled across a remix he did of a song called “Breathe,” by an artist going by Lizette&. I downloaded his mix and liked it a lot. Curious by that point, I decided to see if I could track down the original version to see what Kory had started with.

So, I downloaded the original version, and was very pleasantly surprised to discover how good it was. Even more curious now, I bounced over to Lizette&’s page, downloaded everything I could find, and was blown away by her music. Excellent stuff — one other person described her as a cross somewhere between Tori Amos and nine inch nails, and that’s not really far off at all (think Tori-ish vocals over nin-ish music), though I’m not sure that that description quite does her justice, as she stands quite well on her own.

Having gone into mild obsession mode (you know, the safe kind, where you’ve just discovered something cool and want to find out as much as you can — not the freaky scary mode where you stalk someone for months and end up getting carted off to the funny farm with the nice young men in their clean white coats and they’re coming to take me away, hee hee, ha ha…anyway…[ahem]), I then found my way over to her website, where I found out that she hails from Sweden, and got her start as a studio singer and writer, at one point contributing both her vocal and writing talents to one of my guilty-pleasure groups, the Rednex (of the country-techno song “Cotton-Eye Joe”). Now she’s got her own studio and is working on putting together her first full studio album, which I’m definitely looking forward to hearing.

Anyway, very cool stuff. Go. Listen. Enjoy.

Reminder – DJ Wüdi mixes

Just a quick reminder for those of you who may be new to my site, and might not have bounced around some of the rest of what I have up here. Over on my DJ Wüdi propaganda page, I have eleven mix sessions available for download as .mp3 files.

I recorded each of the mixes myself, by running my Pioneer CMX-5000 into my mixboard, and then directly into my computer, allowing me to record directly to .mp3 format. All of the music in each mix comes from the original source CD’s, and these are presented for promotional purposes only, so hopefully I’m not running afoul of copyright here. Tracklistings for each mix can be seen by hovering over the title of the mix (though at present, this will only work in IE or Safari).

None of the mixes are entirely perfect, but I think they’re at least worth posting, and “Where Time Becomes a Loop” and “Eclecticism” are my personal favorites of what I have up. They range from 22 minutes to an hour and seventeen minutes in length, and from 26 Mb to 88 Mb in file size, so you’ll probably want to have a broadband connection (or a lot of patience) to download them.

If anyone does take a gander at them, I’d love to get some feedback! I’m currently debating with myself whether to keep playing with DJ’ing from time to time if opportunities come up (which, to be honest, is looking exceedingly unlikely at the moment), or whether it might be time to sell off my equipment and stick with the fond memories of the eight years I spent doing it — knowing if people like (or don’t like) what I’ve come up with might help influence the decision. Ya never know…

MT upgrades

I’ve just added a new plug-in to MovableType — SmartyPants. It’s a relatively minor thing, but one that’s nice to have — it automatically converts common characters into their typographically-correct versions. Quotation marks display using ‘curly’ quotes rather than ‘straight’ quotes, a series of three periods will be transformed into the ellipsis character ( … ), and two dashes surrounded by spaces ( —- ) will be converted into an ’em dash’ ( — ).

It’s purely for looks and presentation, but I like it better this way. So there.

I’ve also altered the code for my individual entry pages using a trick from Burningbird and Phil so that in addition to displaying any TrackBack pings I get on the pages, those pages are also rebuilt at the time of the ping. Previously I’d been using a PHP include to put the TrackBack information in, but that resulted in a slowdown when people requested pages, as the server had to process the CGI script that listed the TrackBack pings every time a page was served. This way, TrackBack pings will take a bit longer when they happen, but pulling individual pages from my server goes much faster (half a second as opposed to 2 to 3 seconds on average).

Over my head

I’m having a hell of a time getting Image::Magick (a command-line set of Unix tools for manipulating graphics) installed and working on my system so that MovableType can see it. Been banging my head against this for most of the last two days, without much success so far.

On the off chance a more-knowlegable-than-me Mac OS X/Unix guru stops by here…anyone want to give me some help?

[A plea for help has been issued on the MT support forums. Hopefully that’ll help.]{.underline}

If it feels good, do it.

State of the Union…Not Good: a hilarious cut-up video assembled from Bush’s speeches to create the State of the Union address that we’ll never see.

(Via BoingBoing)

During these last few months, I’ve been trained by Al-Quaida. And I’m weak. And materialistic. I told our country and I told the world — if it feels good, do it.


I hope you’ll join me in expressing fear, and selfishness. We will embrace tyranny and death as a cause, and a creed.


We can be summed up in one world — evil.


I am committed to defeating, not only the good work of charities, but the values that will bring lasting peace. And we have a great opportunity during this time of war to lead the world towards suicide, and murder.


Let’s roll.

(Applause, fade out)

Jobs for everyone

I doubt this is very serious (or likely), but apparently someone has set up a grassroots movement to elect Apple CEO Steve Jobs president!

The site, unfortunately, is currently slashdotted, but there’s some great comments in the /. thread

well, the mac community is probably larger than the perot community. ;)


“I hereby declare that The White House will no longer be boring”beige”, it shall be painted”Lickable Blueberry\”.

The Apple hoardes debate among themselves whether the country is now just “insanely” better, or “miraculously” better.

Reality Master 101

The White House will remain white, but all the plaster will be replaced with translucent white plastic.

The capitol dome will be redone in anodized aluminum. It will also have firewire.

protein folder

[This is illegal…] Due to the seperation of church and state.

Steve cannot be both God and President without violating some part of the constitution.

Of course, given recent events, that ‘problem’ can probably be remiedied.
