On This Day: Apr 22

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 25 posts previously published on April 22nd

  • 2024
    • Year 50 Day 356 It was a work from home day, and nothing of particular interest happened.
  • 2023
    • 🎥 Cocaine Bear Exactly what it says it will be, exactly what you think it’s going to be, and exactly what we wanted for a lazy Saturday afternoon.
  • 2020
    • On This Day: Apr 22 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from April 22
    • 📚 nineteen of 2020: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1967 Hugo Best Novel Once again, Heinlein has strong and interesting SF (the moon declaring independence) coupled with politics I don’t entirely go for and serious issues with women and sexism.
  • 2018
    • Unexpected sightings: an oil lamp sitting atop a gas pump.
  • 2017
    • At the #marchforscience with a message from your friendly neighborhood t-rex.
    • Before the Yakima #marchforscience in our matching Rogue NASA shirts!
    • Prairie and I are prepping for this afternoon’s #marchforscience satellite march in Yakima.
  • 2016
    • Springtime looked pretty nice on campus today. (113/366)
  • 2014
    • Oh dear. It seems con crud is trying to kick my butt. Drinking lots of cranberry juice and heading to bed early to try and knock it out quickly.
  • 2009
    • Links for April 18th through April 22nd Sometime between April 18th and April 22nd, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! • Sports fans are _weird_! • When Worlds Collide: Spock Confronts the Ultimate Challenge • Talk Like Shakespeare Day • Doe v. Fortuny: Seattle's Jason Fortuny (aka RFJason) ordered to pay nearly $75,000 for Craigslist sex ad prank • It Was a Dark and Silly Night: Gahan Wilson Meets Neil Gaiman
    • The Narcissism Epidemic Last I checked, most of our lives don't require all that attitude. Treating the whole world as if it works for you doesn't suggest you're special, it means you're an ass.
    • Ranking the Star Trek Films After having spent much of the past few weeks working my way through the Star Trek film series, this is how I rank them, best to worst. Obviously, this is my personal ranking. Feel free to disagree.
  • 2006
    • Political Protests in the Age of AOL OMG BUSH LRN 2 PREZ
    • FBiPod? The government funded research in microdrive storage, electrochemistry and signal compression. They did so for one reason: It turned out that those were the key ingredients for the development of the iPod.
    • Storybook Forest What actually happened here was that I'd forgotten to switch my white balance away from a custom setting for indoors. However, I actually like the final effect -- the gold tones give this an old-timey, almost storybook look to my eye.
  • 2005
    • Sex on Wheels Two funny photos I found on Flickr today.
    • Friday Tribble Blogging It's such a nice day outside today that he decided to wander out to the fire escape to bask in the sunshine for a while. Sounds like a good idea to me -- I'd join, if I didn't have to head back to work after lunch!
  • 2004
  • 2003
    • Destinations It's not uncommon for me to stumble across something on the 'net that catches my eye, but that I don't create a full entry for. Sometimes I want to come back to it with a full entry later, other times it's just a 'ooh, neat!' moment. In order to track these, there is a new sidebar section called 'Destinations' — little one-line links. Sometimes I may come back to these for full posts, other times that may be all that appears. It's worth experimenting with for a bit, at least.
    • Santorum If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.
    • Mayday! Mayday! The other day at work, I was toying with the idea of doing a 'day in the life' series of photos. Taking my camera with me during the day, and snapping a shot every so often, then presenting them to the world. I hadn't decided quite how to do it — a picture an hour? Every half hour? — but I'd been letting it rumble around in the back of my brain since then.
    • What did he say? I have never, that I can recall, heard the subject of a permanent base in Iraq, discussed in any meeting. The likelihood of it seems to me to be so low that it does not surprise me that it's never been discussed in my presence. To my knowledge.

On This Day: Apr 21

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 17 posts previously published on April 21st

  • 2024
    • Year 50 Day 355 I’m afraid the print on this shirt is degrading to the point where soon it won’t be remotely legible.
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
    • Seen (but not purchased) at the Kent Goodwill. Honestly, I considered them out of morbid curiosity, but then decided it really wouldn’t be worth it. #fumanchu #saxrohmer #racism #orientalism
  • 2017
    • It’s a little sad to watch my #nwc40 tattoo wear away as the days go by. (Though I’ll admit to being impressed at its longevity. I haven’t been pointedly scrubbing at it, but I haven’t been avoiding it while in the shower, either. Not bad!)
  • 2016
    • This week has had an unusually high amount of adulting in it. Just one day left! (112/366)
  • 2015
    • Got asked to help out at the book sale for an hour. Left with another stack. Imagine that! More SF, but also some nonfiction “history of SF”, one by Lester Del Rey, the other Frederik Pohl’s memoir. #moarbooks
  • 2014
    • We got a new toy! Prairie and I have been concentrating more on our health since the beginning of the year. We’ve each been using our exercise bike daily, and after three months, decided to step things up a bit with a good elliptical machine. It’s a pretty nice early birthday present for me (us)!
  • 2008
    • Britannica Webshare Sounds nice, and a welcome companion/competitor to Wikipedia. I've applied, now it's just a question of whether I've been regular enough as of late to get accepted. ;)
  • 2005
    • Better Living Through Apathy As cynical as it may be, I think there just might be something to Davan's theory in today's Something Positive strip.
    • MS backing down on gay rights? In a move that angered many of the company's gay employees, the Microsoft Corporation, publicly perceived as the vanguard institution of the new economy, has taken a major political stand in favor of age-old discrimination.
    • April Seattle Weblogger’s Meetup I finally made it out to another Weblogger's meetup! It was long past time, as the last time I'd made it out was back in November. While I don't have much basis for comparison, it seemed to be a pretty good turnout again, 20-some people all told, I'd guess.
  • 2004
    • Freedom! Only in Seattle would buying clothing involve standing in the middle of the store lobby, having a large bald man stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, and then assist you in dropping your trousers to your ankles.
    • Neal Stephenson: Confusion I so need to get to the bookstore soon — Confusion, the second book in Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle (which began with Quicksilver) is out. Salon has an interview with Stephenson and a review of Confusion up which both look good, though I don't have time to read them right now. Argh! :)
  • 2003
  • 2002
    • Funniest man on the planet? I'm not entirely sure if Robin Williams is the funniest man on the planet or not, but after being able to see him live tonight -- it wouldn't surprise me!

On This Day: Apr 20

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 24 posts previously published on April 20th

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • Interesting: SmugMug has bought Flickr. Hopefully that means good things; I was a big fan of Flickr until Yahoo! bought it and let it stagnate, and SmugMug is where I ended up starting to set things up instead. Could be too little too late, but hopefully not.
  • 2016
    • Selfies with a tiny world app are…entertainingly alien. Or, “does this app make my forehead look big?” (111/366)
  • 2015
    • Four old SF anthologies, a mid-70s printing of Clockwork Orange, a Star Trek novel, and a DVD collection of four Dracula films…all for $8. Gotta love campus book sales!
    • 75 degrees, not a cloud in the sky, students stretched out under the willow trees by the Ganges. Gorgeous day!
  • 2014
    • The Grammar Dalek and I are ready for the final day of #nwc37. :)
  • 2006
    • Tulip Tulip cutout.
    • Birthday Wishes Back in March of '03, I stumbled across a series of discs from Sony called the 'Soundtrack for a Century'. Over time I've collected eight out of the eleven pieces of the series, and any (or all) of these last three would be greatly appreciated.
  • 2005
    • Heteroflexible One of the mailing lists I belong to (though I don't chime in terribly often) is that of the Utilikilts Yahoo! Group. For the past few days there's been an interesting discussion of sexuality. Over the course of the discussion, I just stumbled across a new term that I'd not heard before, but that I like a _lot_.
    • Social Realist Some silly/fun astrology bits from #flickr tonight...
  • 2004
    • Watch that apostrophe! There's a certain irony in a publication mis-using an apostrophe in an employment ad looking for an editor.
    • Safer nuclear missiles Thank god for small favors — at least when Bush finally flips his lid and the nukes start flying, we won't be damaging our atmosphere…
    • Donnie Darko coming back to Seattle! How incredibly cool — Donnie Darko, which disappeared from most theaters practically before it was released, has become such a cult favorite that its studio is going to be re-releasing it to theaters, starting right here in Seattle!
    • Romeo + Juliet r0xx0Rz! Worth a few minutes of cheap amusement: Romeo and Juliet presented as 'L33T-speak'. Somewhat painful, but funny.
  • 2003
    • TV Turnoff Week Apr. 21-27 I stopped watching TV roughly, oh, ten or twelve years or so, I think. Since then, the only times I've been around much TV has been when I've been over at someone elses house and they've happened to have it turned on.
    • Blogchalking is back This is my blogchalk: United States, Washington, Seattle, English, Michael, Male, 26-30, Macintosh computers, movies, music, and other random bits.
    • A visit from Miranda Had a very pleasant weekend — just staying at home and relaxing for most of it, but yesterday evening spent a good few hours visiting with Miranda, who had come out to visit.
  • 2001
    • Stolen van! My parents had their van stolen Wednesday night. If anyone who sees this could keep their eyes open, and, if you're lucky enough to see it, give a call to the police, it would be greatly appreciated.
    • In other words, I talk a lot My propensity for loquaciousness and paranthetical diatribes.
    • About my tattoo This actually came about from an e-mail I was writing tonight, and I thought it was a bit too good to lose into the great bit bucket in the sky.

On This Day: Apr 19

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 21 posts previously published on April 19th

  • 2024
    • Year 50 Day 353 Gave a presentation/workshop on basic document accessibility to the college's tutors today.
  • 2023
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • With Labyrinth getting mentioned a lot due to the upcoming theatrical event, I think it’s worth linking to this excellent fan theory about the story’s background. “…of course she’s Sarah. They were all Sarah.”
    • I don’t knit, but I know I have knitters among my friends, and I think this would entertain them: SkyKnit: When knitters teamed up with a neural network. “This possibly marks one of the few times in history when a computer generated code to be executed by humans.”
  • 2017
    • Linkdump for April 16th through April 19th An automatically generated list of links that caught my eye between April 16th and April 19th. • The Heart of Whiteness: Ijeoma Oluo Interviews Rachel Dolezal, the White Woman Who Identifies as Black • Volunteers, Professionals, and Who Gets to Have Fun at Cons • Time to Fix the Missing Stair • seriously, the guy has a point • Westboro Wannabes Picket Norwescon
  • 2016
    • We hit at least 85° today, and I still was good and exercised tonight. No energy left to do much except sit and stare at things. (110/366)
  • 2014
    • Up early again, and ready for day three of #nwc37!
  • 2011
    • New Research Admittedly, this is just a bit of a fluff piece on a slow news day. But really. Since when is research almost two years old new? It may well be the most _current_ research on the subject, but new? That seems a bit of an overstatement.
  • 2010
    • Links for April 14th through April 19th Sometime between April 14th and April 19th, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! • The Alot Is Better Than You at Everything • The 120 Minutes Archive - Playlists, Videos, and Interviews From MTV’S Classic Alternative Music Series • Christ, It Works for Everything • How Apple Designed the iPad Out in the Open • NOVA | The Pluto Files | Hate Mail From Third Graders
  • 2008
  • 2006
    • Dandelion A dandelion and morning dew.
    • 50 Best Book-to-Film Adaptations Working from the Guardian's list of the 50 best book-to-film adaptations, I'm tagging each line with a B if I've read the book, and an M if I've seen the movie.
    • Me and My Shadow: The story of Jason Mewes I've been watching the pieces of this show up bit by bit, and since the last section went live today, here's a list of links to all the pieces so I can read straight through, beginning to end.
    • Back in 1973… The Movie Timeline is the history of everything, taken from one simple premise: that everything you see in the movies is true - the real mixes with the fictitious, so long as it's reported in a movie somewhere...
  • 2005
    • Pope Benedict XVI I've been browsing articles about the new Pope off and on all day...have to say, I'm a bit disappointed. They seem to have picked the most staunchly conservative of the candidates.
  • 2004
    • Garage Sale: DVDs Okay, here's part two of my online garage sale: the majority of my DVD collection is going up for grabs.
    • Garage Sale: Electronics Okay, so here's what's up for grabs. I'll keep this current for, oh, two weeks or so to see what I can get rid of this way, then hit the pawn shops with whatever's left over.
  • 2003
    • Gay history The World History of Male Love is a fascinating look at male homosexuality through the ages and all over the world, looking at artwork, literature, regional history, and much more. Fascinating stuff.
  • 2001
    • I wasn’t really down… Occasionally, however, my IP will change -- which is what happened today. I'm not sure why my IP suddenly reset today, there was no actual downtime that I'm aware of, and I would have expected it to change when my cable modem was actually disconnected a week ago, but it didn't.

On This Day: Apr 18

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 25 posts previously published on April 18th

  • 2024
    • Year 50 Day 352 Got to spend some time tabling for the Access Services department today.
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • Linkdump for April 15th through April 18th An automatically generated list of links that caught my eye between April 15th and April 18th. • Freshly Remember'd: Kirk Drift • Discovery Needs to Put Section 31 Down and Back Away Slowly • ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ USS Enterprise Design Change Clarified As Creative Decision, Not A Legal One • Woman Who Shared Philadelphia Starbucks Arrest Video Tells Her Story • Star Trek: Discovery's Version of the Enterprise Had to Be Modified for Legal Reasons
    • This video is technologically fascinating, and sociologically terrifying. “It may sound basic, but how we move forward in an age of information is going to be the difference between whether we survive or we become some kind of fucked-up dystopia.”
  • 2017
    • Norwescon 40 Wrap-Up So, that's a brief overview of my weekend. To all of you I got to see, I'm glad we crossed paths, however briefly, and I hope we get to do so again before too long (but if not, then at least next year at Norwescon 41).
  • 2016
    • Today was a good day for reading in the park during lunch. (109/366)
  • 2014
    • Napped and ready for Friday night at #nwc37!
    • Got my #emplannister Awkward Family Photo taken at #nwc37! @empmuseum
    • Good morning #nwc37! Awake (mostly), showered (entirely), and ready to go!
  • 2009
    • The End of Empathy What's the point of all this? Well, aside from the obvious conclusion of Jason's piece -- 'In summary, how we treat each other does matter. It matters because, without empathy, our lives are shallow, self-centered and meaningless.' -- I'm really not sure. I do believe, though, that this is a real problem.
  • 2008
    • Music IQ You are a music evangelist: the person in your network of friends who always has the coolest new song, the one whose iPod gets picked to DJ every party.
  • 2007
    • Edward Scissorhands in Seattle Anyone want a deal on tickets to the touring production of _Edward Scissorhands_, the 'magical new stage adaption of the classic Tim Burton film' presented as a 'musical 'play without words'' (which I must admit, sounds a _lot_ like something called 'ballet' to me, but who am I to question these things)?
  • 2006
    • Northgate Carnival There's a little carnival in the parking lot south of the Northgate Mall right now. Not sure why it's there, but we went down to wander around for a few minutes a couple days ago.
  • 2005
    • Pop! There's a sound effect in the song I'm listening to right now that sounds nearly _exactly_ like the 'pop' noise iChat makes when I get a new message from someone I'm not currently in a conversation with and a new window pops on screen.
    • Flickr Goodies Back when it was formally announced that Flickr was being bought by Yahoo!, they mentioned that those of us who'd already paid for Pro accounts would be getting super mega bonuses as a reward. Word finally came out today on just what those bonuses are...
  • 2004
    • Photos: Arboretum, International Fountain I've just uploaded two small photo albums to my section of the family photo gallery with some of the better shots from my first weekend playing with the camera that Rick lent me: eleven shots of children playing in the Seattle Center's International Fountain, and thirteen shots from wandering around the Seattle Arboretum. Enjoy!
  • 2003
    • Honda Accord ad This new ad for the Honda Accord (QuickTime required) is a definite must-see. It's just grabbed a spot as my third-favorite commercial of all time.
    • Meme proposal: YAAMR A proposal for the 'net community at large, and for Microsoft, in an effort to make complaints about/criticisms of Microsoft and its software easier to collect and analyze, with the intent of letting any concerned party at Microsoft sift through them at will for subjects relevant to their area of expertise.
    • But what about the little guy? The fundamental problem itself is still unsolved — Windows is often a royal pain in the ass to deal with. Most of us have to deal with it on our own, though, and common experiences like Scott's are going to keep happening, and Microsoft is going to continue to be perceived by many people as a lumbering, unstoppable behemoth of a company that can't actually write decent software, but doesn't seem to care because they've got such a lockhold on the industry.
    • Propaganda at its finest How heroic is it, really, when US forces storm into an unguarded hospital, terrorize the staff and patients, and handcuff four doctors and two patients — one of whom was paralyzed and on an IV drip — before leaving with Private Lynch?
  • 2002
    • I wanna go! This may surprise some of my friends, as I'm not generally known as much of a country listener (you can thank/blame [depeding on your preference] many of the women in my life for that little quirk), but there's a show at the Gorge that I really wish I could afford.
  • 2001
    • By the way… But then, this is Alaska, and the music scene up here is really easy to compartmentalize. For grins and giggles, I'll do just that.
  • 1996
    • [From the archives: 4.18.96 1419] Last night (well, actually a week or two ago, but I just investigated it last night) one of the Woodys told me about the Made with Macintosh campaign promoting websights using Macintosh compters in their design, so I joined the campaign and added the logo to the bottom of my main page.
    • [From the archives: 4.18.96 0249] Okay. Back into the swing of things. My apologies to any Woody's who have send me stuff and nothing came of it...I'm finally up to date on every entry for the Web Wide Woodys page. Nothing else changed yet...but I'll get there.

On This Day: Apr 17

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 20 posts previously published on April 17th

  • 2024
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • Book sixteen of 2018: The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    • Book fifteen of 2018: Into the Drowning Deep, by Mira Grant. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 2017
    • That’s me in my T-Rex suit at the Saturday night #nwc40 dance! #Repost @shainahmaydela with @repostapp ・・・ Who says dinosaurs can’t dance? #trex #norwescon40 #youcandance
  • 2016
    • I seem to have run out of weekend again. I’m not sure how this keeps happening. I must remember to order more next time. (108/366)
  • 2014
    • Official duties done, I’m off to socialize! #nwc37
    • Up, dressed, packed, and not long from hitting the road. #nwc37, I’m on my way!
  • 2009
    • Norwescon 32 Wrapup It took roughly a week to get here, but really, I don't figure that's too bad, given my usual photowhoreish ways. Just a few minutes ago, the last of my shots from Norwescon made it up to Flickr.
    • CSI Gets Geeky I don't often talk much about my TV watching, but one of the shows that Prairie's managed to get me into is CSI, and last night's episode, 'A Space Oddity,' was _so_ worth it. Bottom line: great episode, and worth watching if you're a fan of CSI, Trek, BSG, or any combination of the above.
  • 2007
  • 2006
    • Norwescon 29 Photo Extravaganza Well, not only did I survive my first Norwescon, but I did it camera in hand. And, since I'm a complete and total photo whore, there's a few pictures to be seen.
  • 2005
    • Neri di Bicci, ‘Virgin and Child With Six Saints’ As it turns out, we'd stumbled into the celebrations surrounding the return of a 15th century altar painting by Renaissance artist Neri di Bicci to St. James Cathedral after restoration work. This peaked our interest, so we followed along up to the cathedral to watch the pageant and blessing service.
  • 2004
    • Emptying out the apartment Consider this advance notice for anyone in the Seattle area that reads this site: within the next week, I'm probably going to be putting up a lot of goodies for sale. I just need to do a little bit of research to figure out good asking prices before I put up a firm list.
  • 2003
    • Long day Quick bits, because I'm too worn out to bother with anything more in-depth.
  • 2002
    • Supreme court does good The radio at work was trained to The Buzz, a local talk-radio station, and I heard a good talk show tonight that carried with it some extremely good news -- apparently the Supreme Court today upheld a ruling declaring the 1996 Child Pornography Protection Act unconstitutional.
    • That’s icky Rather than car, credit, or casino ads, I'm currently getting a banner that starts with a picture of the American flag. The next frame says, 'Own a piece of history...', and the third frame offers, 'Own a plaque made with the metal from the World Trade Center'. It then closes with, 'WE WILL NEVER FORGET'.
  • 2001
    • Reunions…ugh In just about two weeks, I hit my 28th birthday, and just a couple months after that, the Bartlett High School Class of '91 has its 10-year anniversary here in town. I'm really not sure what I think of this.
    • I can think of a few ‘small and cute’ things… If they're small and they're cute, you don't really notice that they're dead.

On This Day: Apr 16

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 23 posts previously published on April 16th

  • 2024
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • If being an inflatable T-Rex isn’t your thing, perhaps you’d prefer being an inflatable velociraptor, triceratops, or pterodactyl?
    • Aw, bummer. Harry Anderson — Night Court‘s Judge Harold T. “Harry” Stone — has died. Night Court was one of the formative sitcoms of my youth.
  • 2017
    • I got an Easter present from Prairie!
    • Shirt eight for #nwc40: social justice war boy!
  • 2016
    • Trying out a new (to us) Mediterranean place. Looks cute and smells really good. Optimistic! (107/366)
  • 2015
    • First day this spring both warm and dry enough to sit out in the sun at a local park for lunch. Very nice!
  • 2014
    • Off work and officially on vacation! Still on campus, though, for another evening meeting. Long days are long!
  • 2009
  • 2008
    • 2:42 Joshua Allen (aka Fireland) uses Science! to determine the perfect song length: two minutes and forty-two seconds.
  • 2005
    • Acapella Nintendo It's not often I find something that appeals equally to two such disparate sides of my childhood, but this video of University of Wisconsin acapella group Redefined singing Nintendo theme songs manages to pull it off...and quite well, at that.
    • Nine Inch Nails releases single for GarageBand Oh, _wow_ but this is cool. Trent Reznor has released NIN's new single, 'The Hand that Feeds', as a 70Mb GarageBand file.
  • 2004
    • Alexa website reviews I didn't notice this last night when I was poking around with Amazon's A9 search engine, but Amazon has tied the search results into their Alexa website ranking tool with a little 'Site Info' button at the tail end of search result.
  • 2003
    • A sci-fi museum? Cool! Paul Allen, the Microsoft Corp. co-founder and eclectic billionaire philanthropist, is expected to announce today his plans to build a Seattle facility to celebrate science-fiction literature in the same way his Experience Music Project honors popular music.
    • We lost the war An excellent editorial from truthout that covers the same points (plus many more) that I brought up while responding to a recent comment. They do it far better and far more in depth than I do, though.
    • Tim Robbins probably says good stuff According to the Daily Kos, Tim Robbins gave a good speech to the National Press Club. The excerpt they have is good.
    • Syria's political brilliance So picture this — the US vetoing a resolution calling for the banning of all WMDs from the Middle East. In one fell swoop, Syria has negated the charges of WMDs against it, exposed the US's hypocrisy on WMDs (our allies can have them, everyone else can't), solidified its leadership of the Arab world, and forced the US to veto a seemingly common sense resolution, after blasting France and Russia for threatening vetoes on Iraq.
    • Penis! This made me laugh — The Penis Blog Project. Needless to say, this is NSFW (Not Safe For Work), and an open mind and good sense of humor is encouraged.
    • Memories of Meier Lake Summertime in Alaska. One of the few things that I miss about living up there. Not enough to move back — but I do miss it.
    • No more 404's I just implemented a very nice little PHP script for my website that ties into my site search function — the end result being that my site no longer has a '404 File Not Found' error page!
  • 2002
    • Hello from Microsoft! This is mostly just me being silly -- I wanted to grab a chance to make a post to my blog from within the Microsoft domain.
  • 2001
    • Redesign in progress In case you hadn't already noticed by the dramatic change in the look of the site, I'm in the process of redesigning. No real reason, other than that I thought it was time for a change -- I do this every so often.

On This Day: Apr 15

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 24 posts previously published on April 15th

  • 2024
  • 2020
    • LEGO Is Making 13,000 Visors a Day for Medical Workers, and say they could ramp up to 58,000 a day. Neat!
    • On This Day: Apr 15 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from April 15
  • 2018
    • Excellent: Not only is Dick’s Sporting Goods no longer selling assault-style weapons, but rather than returning their unsold inventory, they’re destroying and recycling it.
    • Linkdump for April 12th through April 15th An automatically generated list of links that caught my eye between April 12th and April 15th. • GrayKey iPhone unlocker poses serious security concerns • While TOS is my home fandom, I'm of the belief that as a whole, DS9 is the best of the various Star Trek series • A short history ~700 years of "they" as an English gender-neutral singular pronoun • poor people deserve things they want, too • Charities/organisations to avoid (with links to reasons)
  • 2017
    • Shirt seven for #nwc40: not really, but it’s always good for a laugh on Saturday night (and yes, Prairie knows, laughs, and thank goodness she gets my sense of humor)!
    • Shirt six for #nwc40: gothtrolling. ;)
  • 2016
    • Belly full of dinner, kicked back in a hotel bed rolling our eyes at the giant sinkhole in the first episode of season eight of Grey’s Anatomy. This show just keeps getting sillier. (106/366)
  • 2014
    • Well, crud. Forgot my daily photo yesterday; almost forgot tonight. That’s only the second day I’ve missed, though. Not that bad after three and a half months, really.
    • Oh, dear. There appears to have been a noodle-related incident. We shall not speak of this again. Also, I should not be allowed in the kitchen.
  • 2011
    • Almost Time for Norwescon! Once again, it's about time for my annual mini-vacation at Norwescon. This is my second year as part of the ConCom (Convention Committee -- those of us who are crazy enough to volunteer to assist with planning and running the con), and I've really been enjoying it.
  • 2009
    • Links for April 8th through April 15th Sometime between April 8th and April 15th, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! • Roger Ebert: Parrot asks, "What'd the frozen turkey want?" • Philnelson's Diggbarred • Jam Out With Your Clam Out • Uncomfortable Plot Summaries • How to Block the DiggBar • Truly Groundbreaking Marketing Research: Understanding Twitter • Penmachine: Yes, Master • Now on YouTube: First Moving Image Ever Made
  • 2008
    • What’s your song? Go here, plug in your birthday, and it'll give you the #1 Billboard song for the day you were born.
  • 2006
    • Off at Norwescon I'm spending the weekend at Norwescon, so I've _already_ missed my one-photo-a-day posting goal. Heh. No big surprise. Here's one from yesterday at the con, though...
  • 2005
    • Friday cat Tribble blogging! 'Friday Cat Blogging' is a well-known, oft-derided, but much loved cliché in the weblogging community. I may not have a cat...but I do have a Tribble!
  • 2004
    • Family coming closer Rock on — according to Dad, Kevin and Emily will be moving to Oregon in a bit, so that Emily can attend Oregon State University in Corvalis. My bro will be in fairly easy visiting distance again!
    • Speak English, George! I'm so glad I didn't bother trying to watch Bush's national address the other night on television. I would have been so busy cringing at his first sentence — 'This has been tough weeks in that country.' — to even pay attention to the amazing hypnotic tie.
    • Amazon’s A9 Interesting: Amazon just launched A9, a Google-based search engine, choosing to break the news via John Batelle's blog.
    • Proof! Ryan found this using the LiveJournal Images script I linked to the other day…I think it's brilliant. ;)
    • Ecto for Windows Earlier this week, Alex, Adrian Tjissling, and Joi Ito jointly announced that they have joined forces, and TypeWriter has now become Ecto for Windows.
  • 2003
    • Pigface/My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult Just got back home from seeing Bile, Zeromancer, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and (last, but most definitely not least) Pigface at the Catwalk. Awesome show.
    • US priorities in Iraq Iraqi buildings that have been looted, burned, and destroyed: the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Irrigation, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Information, the Baghdad Archaeological Museum, the museum in the northern city of Mosul, and three hospitals.
    • Philodemus Most of the scrolls uncovered so far have been written by first-century philosopher and poet Philodemus, leading to conjecture that the owner of the villa where the scrolls were found may have been trying to save Philodemus' work specifically — but there may be far more in the as-yet unearthed sections of the ruins.
  • 2001
    • Mars and More Made it through Mission to Mars relatively unscathed, aside from the fact that it was a fairly amazingly hideous movie. I think if it had tried any harder to be 2001, it would have been truly laughable...as it is, it's just kinda sad.

On This Day: Apr 14

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 24 posts previously published on April 14th

  • 2024
  • 2021
    • 📚 16/2021: The Ringworld Throne by Larry Niven ⭐️⭐️ After the excellent first Ringworld book and a good sequel, this third entry takes a sudden detour into drudge and mediocrity. Boring sludge—large portions are essentially people describing what they see on monitors.
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • The Transformers version of this Valkyrie mech was one of the coolest toys I ever had. I will always be disappointed that it disappeared at some point and I don’t have it anymore.
    • I’m in a Fred Meyer in Vancouver (WA), and they’re playing “Walk Away” by The Sisters of Mercy on the musak system. I’m simultaneously amused and appalled.
    • Family visits mean we aren’t marching today, but we’re with the #marchforscience in spirit!
  • 2017
    • Shirt five for #nwc40: Well, it’s true!
    • Shirt four for #nwc40: @sweartrek #StarTrek blue shirt.
    • Shirt three for #nwc40: Lego skull.
  • 2016
    • Almost forgot my photo today. Goodnight, kids! (105/366)
  • 2009
    • Who’s Defining ‘X-Rated’ Here? Sorry, AP, but there's more than a little bit of hyperbole there. Almost having a bit of accidental boobage is PG, maybe PG-13 if her top actually _had_ fallen off (and even _that_ used to be a good solid PG). 'Nearly X-rated' would be something very, very different.
  • 2006
    • Googling a Dead Horse There's a certain irony in Google's new Google Calendar supporting the iCal standard for calendar sharing and distribution when -- as usual -- they don't yet support the standard Mac web browser.
    • Pretty in Pink Slight soft-focus pink flowers.
  • 2005
    • The next logical step First, the good news (and, for once, this _is_ good news): federal legislation is being introduced that will protect a woman's ability to get birth control.
    • I hope I don’t regret this… If you're as much of a glutton for punishment as I obviously am, get your Star Wars Episode III tickets here. I'll be at the 10:30pm show at the Cinerama on Thursday, May 19th.
    • Until death (or homophobia) do you part Well, I can't say I'm _surprised_, but I'm certainly disappointed that Oregon has nullified the same-sex marriages performed last year. It's frustrating enough to see it happen from the standpoint of someone's who's _very_ much in favor of _true_ equal rights for all -- but even more so when this decision affects a friend of mine.
  • 2004
    • Camera! I've got a camera! Iit's a loaner, not my own, but what a loaner — an Olympus C-2500L 2.5 megapixel DSLR.
    • Online crack Hey Alan -- you thought this game was bad? Wait 'til you start this one...;)
    • Not again I really, really really hate the fact that electronic banking transactions can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days to post to a bank account.
  • 2003
    • All about love Yesterday I kissed a girl in a private place...we were behind a tree.
    • From Berkeley to the Matrix Wired mentions that much of the inspiration and technology for the more eye-catching special effects in the Matrix films were drawn from a project called The Campanile Movie, which is fascinating in its own right.
    • Nekkid Here's a really interesting Flash presentation about being naked — sixteen volunteers photographed in various states of undress, with audio clips of interviews discussing various views on nudity, comfort and discomfort, and similar things.
    • No Safari timeout Annoyed by Safari constantly giving up on pages that won't completely load in less than a minute? SafariNoTimeout to the rescue. Now that I've posted this, maybe I'll remember to download it when I get home…
    • Disgusted and depressed Every morning I get up, and every evening when I get home, I pop open my newsreader to browse through the day's news and headlines. And every time, I find more and more that disgusts me, outrages me, and quite simply, makes me want to go back to playing ostrich and pretending that the world outside my own private little bubble doesn't exist.

On This Day: Apr 13

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 23 posts previously published on April 13th

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
    • Norwescan’t Wrap-Up Under normal circumstances, I would have spent this past weekend at Norwescon. Of course, these are not normal circumstances. Here's what happened instead.
    • On This Day: Apr 13 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from April 13
  • 2018
    • I’ve joked about this for years, and am really excited that it will soon be a real thing: Contact Lenses That Darken in Sunlight Are Going to Give You Some Creepy Alien Eyes.
  • 2017
    • Shirt two for #nwc40: a clever take on lowbrow humor.
    • Got my #nwc40 tattoo! (Temporary.) I’m stupidly happy about this; it started with a silly offhand comment at a meeting and then I found a good source for us to use. My mad schemes came through! 😁
    • Shirt one for #nwc40: #StarTrek/#StarWars logo mashup. Here we go!
  • 2016
    • Have I mentioned just how much I enjoy this daily exercise routine? (104/366)
  • 2014
    • Lazed around the house for most of the day and forgot my daily picture until now, so this oddity is what you get. I don’t really know….
  • 2009
    • This Will Disappoint Mom… I'm not _quite_ in to full-on 'DANGER skullet' territory, but I'm close, and with the added impetus of putting employment before vanity, it's probably only a matter of days or weeks (at the outside) before the curls go away.
  • 2005
    • George Carlin: Airline Announcements By the way, that little George Carlin moment in my previous post comes from one of my favorite of his routines from his 'Jammin' in New York' album, where he skewers the convoluted and bizarre language used by the airline industry.
    • Trains. Trains are good. One thing I have to say I _really_ like about living in Seattle -- it's part of the Lower 48. I've got fifty states I can get to within a few days without _ever_ having to set foot on an airplane (49, if I make the time to drive the Al-Can).
    • Rush Job Because, apparently, no teenager ever hit upon the idea of getting or giving a blowjob until Clinton introduced the idea to the world.
    • Google Video PC only (for now?) This really shouldn't surprise me, but Google's just-announced video hosting service has continued their tradition of being Mac-unfriendly at launch. (UPDATE: A Mac uploader is available as of 5/18/05.)
    • Bloggers in my neighborhood Here's an interesting little web toy: feedmap.net. Give it your weblog address and (if necessary) physical address, and it returns a map of other weblogs close to you in the real world.
  • 2004
    • National ID not a good idea One of the many ideas being bandied about in the post-9/11 era has been that of a single national ID card, to replace the various forms of ID we carry around now (state IDs or driver's licenses, military IDs, company ID badges, etc.). Bruce Schneier points out that this might not be a good idea…
    • LiveJournal voyeurism Entirely random and surprisingly addicting: LiveJournal Images, a page which displays the last 40 images posted to LiveJournal weblogs. So many pictures get posted so quickly that you can get an entirely new set every few seconds. Lots of kittens, anonymous people, celebrities, random wierdness, and the occasional NSFW image (be warned, just in case).
  • 2003
    • Which claims panned out? Anger Managment Course's rundown of claims made by the pro- and anti-war camps prior to hostilities, and how they seem to be panning out so far.
    • President for life? House Joint Resolution 11: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.
  • 2002
    • Blade II Candice and I went out to see Blade II this afternoon. Candice didn't think to highly of it, and while I can't really refute her impressions, I had a lot of fun with it.
  • 2001