Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.
There are 18 posts previously published on February 22nd
- 2024
- Year 50 Day 296 It's a good news, bad news sort of situation. ➡
- It Was All My Fault Watching The Crow on pan-and-scan VHS taped off of TV leads to a realization. ➡
- 2021
- We’re Just Rediscovering a 19th-Century Pandemic Strategy: “Imagine a sci-fi movie featuring a scary new virus. You would probably picture people protecting themselves with space suits and respirators. Who would have thought that the key to fighting this novel coronavirus would be as simple as fresh air? Only everyone 100 years ago.” ➡
- 2020
- Elizabeth Warren Seattle Rally Warren is my preferred candidate. I absolutely believe that she has a plan for everything, and knows exactly how to get about getting it done. ➡
- On This Day: Feb 22 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from February 22 ➡
- 2016
- Moody Monday? Just liked the strong shadows from the afternoon sun. (53/366) ➡
- 2014
- Possibly as close as I’m likely to get to the stereotypical selfie. Couldn’t get myself to stoop to duckface, though. I have some pride. ➡
- 2010
- Links for February 16th through February 22nd Sometime between February 16th and February 22nd, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! • Tommy Westphall’s Mind: A Multiverse Explored • Turkey: Archeological Dig Reshaping Human History • Typography for Lawyers • PeteSearch: How to Split Up the US by Facebook Interactions ➡
- 2008
- John McClane for President in 2008 Now _here's_ a presidential candidate I can get behind. ➡
- 2007
- Entropy and Breakthrough I've submitted two photos to JPG Magazine for possible inclusion in their next issue, one each for their themes of Entropy and Breakthrough. If you're a JPG member, click through and toss a vote my way! ➡
- 2005
- Jim Steinman I just need to know what the song you just played was — but before you tell me, I want you to check something out for me. By any chance was that song written or produced by Jim Steinman? ➡
- Kubrickr Here's a nifty toy for all you Wordpress users that have recently updated to v1.5 and are using the default 'Kubrick' theme: Kubrickr. Given a tag, it will search Flickr for all licensed photos with that tag and then allow you to crop the photo down to create a replacement header graphic that drops right into the Kubrick layout. ➡
- My Netflix ‘wishlist’ I've (again) run up against the 500-title limit in my Netflix Queue. To get around that, I've made a very focused account for DVDs I want to rent, but can't put in my Netflix queue at the moment. Keep an eye on it if you like. Or not. Whichever. ;) ➡
- Fun with typos Seen today on Accelerate Your Macintosh: Mac Ureal Tournament 2004 v3355 Update. Eeeeewwwww. ➡
- Ego …accusing a blogger of narcissism is like accusing your minister of piety, isn't it? ➡
- Full-time blogging I've got to admit, I wish I could 'pull a kottke' and move to blogging as a 'job'. The idea has a lot of appeal. Unfortunately, I'm in no shape financially to do such a thing, and I don't have the wide readership that he has that would allow me to request donations. ➡
- 2004
- Safety != comfort In linking to the story on SUV safety yesterday, Scoble mentioned the statistical ridiculousness of being comfortable driving, yet being afraid to fly. The thing is, this is something that I can identify with — far better than I'd like, in fact. ➡
- 2001
- DJ Wudi @ UAA this Saturday Just a quick reminder that this Saturday I'll be spinning from 2pm-10pm for the UAA Dance Marathon fundraiser for the Providence Children's ICU. ➡