Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.
There are 21 posts previously published on November 6th
- 2024
- 2023
- Year 50 Day 188 Have you voted yet? ➡
- 2021
- 📚 42/2021: My Brother’s Keeper: Republic by Michael Jan Friedman ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🖖🏻 ➡
- 2020
- 📚 forty-four of 2020: Gulliver’s Fugitives by Keith Sharee #startrek #tng This was a weird one. Fahrenheit 451 plus technobabble plus mythology plus pieces that felt tacked on. Felt like the author had several ideas, couldn’t pick one, and tried to get ‘em all in. ➡
- The signals were clear, and after much checking, it was agreed that they were likely not natural and of probable alien origin, but the source was puzzling: an apparently empty point exactly 758 feet above the geometric center of Tilly Anderson’s house in Atkins, Arkansas. ➡
- On This Day: Nov 6 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from November 6 ➡
- 2019
- Modern Problems With the Staircase Grading Method One of Prairie’s classes turns in papers tomorrow, and as she’s dealing with a cold, she said she wasn’t looking forward to having to grade while her head is all foggy. So I suggested using the “staircase method” (for those who aren’t teachers, this involves tossing the papers down the staircase: the further down the ... Read more ➡
- It’s not the scarecrow itself that’s bothersome. Okay, we don’t know who put it up, and it’s a bit disquieting that it’s dressed in our child’s old clothes. But it’s the slowly oozing goo that constantly drips off of the stick fingers that really gets me. Microblogvember: stick ➡
- Good news: My Norwegian Blu-ray Edition Monty Python box set from Network arrived! Bad news: As gorgeous as the box is, the internal structure didn’t hold up through international shipping. Still, it’s the content that counts, and I’m looking forward to watching these! ➡
- 2016
- Closing out the weekend watching Netflix with Prairie, who is finally back home! (311/366) ➡
- 2010
- HTML5 Audio Safari Extension Comes in very handy when combined with John Gruber's suggestions for running your Mac Flash-free. ➡
- 2009
- Windows 7 + Digital River = Headaches Microsoft's partnership with Digital River for electronic distribution of Windows 7 is a customer service nightmare. For the record: as of November 6th, 2009, **Digital River's customer service phone number is (952) 253-1234**. ➡
- 2008
- Principles in Campaigning John McCain's concession speech was by far his best of the campaign. He was, convincing, generous, and passionate. It brought to mind Hillary Clinton's concession speech last summer, which was also widely heralded as her best. What is it with these politicians that [they] can only give a good speech after they have lost? ➡
- 2007
- Overspecialization? With all the different specialized blogging, pseudo-blogging, or linking websites and services available these days, I'm starting to lose track of how I'm 'supposed' to do this one-to-many online communication thing. ➡
- 2006
- Bowed but not Broken So, there we are. Some small amount of actual content. It had to happen at _some_ point, right? ;) ➡
- 2005
- Panexa (Acidachrome Promanganate) Panexa. Ask your doctor for a reason to take it. ➡
- 2003
- Alien Quadrilogy Just in case any Alien/Aliens/Alien3/Alien Resurrection fans happen to stop by here who haven't heard about this yet… ➡
- More on the unintended consequences of blogging It seems I'm not the only person in the blogosphere who's recently faced surprising consequences due to the content of their weblog. Shelley Powers, aka Burningbird, had a rather interesting conversation with the IRS this morning… ➡
- Twenty thousand percent? Alexa lists me as showing a 20,000% jump in site traffic. ➡
- Fun with piercings He then unwrapped the straw, brought it up to his face, and slid the straw into the hole in his tongue until his tongue was halfway along the length of the straw. ➡
- 2002