🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E12 Klingons that didn’t annoy me (L’Rell’s dress was great)! The time crystals are a bit too magic-y (much like the dark matter that seems able to do whatever the plot needs), but okay. Pike’s vision was a pleasant surprise. And Control is a T-1000 now?

Another ST:DIS Theory

After watching tonight’s episode of Discovery (S02E11), Prairie and I came up with what we think is a very possible theory about where this season might go in the next few episodes, and it’s one that impacts a fair amount of the future Trek universe.

Details behind the cut, as this will be in definite spoiler territory, both for tonight’s episode, and potentially for the next three episodes if we’re right (though my last theory didn’t pan out, so keep that in mind).

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🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E11 Another solid episode. Glad they didn’t drag out the Burnham family reunion drama over multiple episodes, but the scenes with Michael and her mom were really good. Spock continues to evolve nicely. And we have theories about ties to future series….

🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E10 Much better to end on a note of “okay, wasn’t expecting that” instead of last week’s, “oh, come on….” Laughed at Tilly’s comment about knocking on Trek doors being kind of pointless. Continue to be impressed by Peck’s Spock. Not a bad week.

🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E09 Goddammit, DSC. So much potential here, so many good moments, but also a lot of pieces that don’t make sense, and an ending that just annoyed me. Overall, uneven but mostly good until the end, which wasn’t truly earned and just came off as exasperating.

🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E08: For all I think DSC needs to do its own thing, a TOS-heavy episode was one of the best so far. Enjoyed the Cage recap, esp. the cut from TOS Pike to DSC Pike. Happily impressed by Peck’s Spock; he has the gravitas and delivery down. Good episode.

🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E07: Yay! No more Spock-teasing! Space squid are fun, and Tilly gets flustered around causality violations. Glad Pike at least mentioned Ash killing Culber. Still really unsure about Section 31, all the Spock stuff, and now time travel, but holding on.

🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E06: 90% strong episode, but that last 10%…I have serious concerns with the Discovery’s actions in this episode. Pike did far more than bend General Order 1. Sigh. Mixed feelings tonight. Oh, and (unsurprisingly) my theory about Saru was wrong after all.

(2/2) Or, presented in a slightly different format (that works well for this, but would take far too many pages for the full listing), my Star Trek library, sorted by ©/release date. 📚 🖖