Possibilities of moving?

I’ll know more about this later tonight and tomorrow, at which times I’ll put what I know up…but I wanted to at least mention this, since it’s been bouncing around in my head since yesterday.

A little around 1pm or so yesterday I got a knock on my door from Melvin, the landlord for my apartment building. A couple weeks ago he’d let me know that he was being replaced by whatever company oversees the building, and was looking for a position at another building. I thought that was kind of a shame, as he’s a good guy, and one of the better landlords I’ve had. Well, yesterday he came by to let me know that it looks like he’s found one…and it looks like this could have some interesting side benefits for me, also.

Apparently the building he got the position at is just a few blocks away from the building we’re at currently, and a much newer/nicer building. A studio apartment there, while the same monthly price as mine ($650/mo), would be larger, in a nicer building, and apparently with a fuller kitchen area. He forwarded the idea of me switching buildings with him, and acting as some sort of assistant manager to the building in my off hours from my normal job. I’m not sure what all the duties might entail (that should get a little more ironed out over the next couple days), but it could have some definite benefits to it. I figure at the minimum it could get me some new and different experience on my resume, and there’s at least a possibility that it could get me some price breaks on the apartment.

I’m heading over to Melvin’s tonight after I get off work to help him out with his iBook, then tomorrow we’ll be heading down to his new building after he gets the keys, and will probably be discussing things in a bit more detail then. If I can come up with the money to make the move, I think it could be a good deal — a larger, newer place for the same price, more varied experience on my resume, and being able to stay with a landlord that I know I’m on good terms with. Could be very good…I’ll put more details up when I know more, either later tonight or tomorrow sometime.

You couldn’t pay me enough

Ever since I started working here, I’ve been able to watch day by day as a new skyscraper is built about two blocks away from my building. When I started last August it wasn’t much more than a hole in the ground as they worked on the foundation; now there is a steel framework stretching up about 25 floors, with a central concrete core that’s going up what looks to be at least another ten floors or so. Pretty much anytime I look out my windows I can see construction workers scurrying around this thing looking like ants on playground monkey bars, flashes of light and sparks from the welding — and one of the most fascinating pieces, the tower crane that’s hauling all the steel beams up from street level up to wherever they need to go on the building.

Of course, those cranes have to get taller somehow as the building goes up — a process which I’d never completely understood. Today I get to watch it happening, and there is no way you could ever pay me enough to be part of an operation like this! I’m pretty convinced at this point that you have to be certifiably insane to become a high-rise construction worker — this stuff is just crazy. Since you obviously don’t have one taller crane avaiable to help raise the crane, the contraption has to ‘grow’ as the project gets taller. This is done by an outer ‘raiser’ unit that detaches the top of the crane from the mast, lifts the top up about 24 feet, then sets it back down after a new 20-foot section is slipped into the gap (this page has some pictures of the operation). Just amazing…they’re in the process of lifting the top of the crane here at the moment, with the new section poised to go in — and a second section hanging from the crane waiting to be added next. Meanwhile, the entire time this is going on, there are workers climbing all up and down both the riser unit and the top of the crane, getting everything set to slide the new piece in.

Yup. They’re all insane. And I’m quite happy to keep all of my jobs with my feet planted firmly on a solid surface.

Word of the day: amanuensis

I generally think of myself as having a fairly good vocabulary, but yesterday at a department meeting Carrie tossed out a term that I hadn’t ever come across before — amanuensis, which she said was a synonym for secretary. We weren’t sure how it was spelled (I had guessed amenuensis, guessing that the amen used at the end of prayers could mean something like ‘the word’ [as in ‘the word of the Lord’], which could tie into a secretarial profession), but Lee was able to look it up and send us the correct spelling via e-mail. I just looked it up on dictionary.com, and here’s what they returned:

amanuensis Aman`uen”sis, n.; pl. Amanuenses. [L., fr. a, ab + manus hand.]

A person whose employment is to write what another dictates, or to copy what another has written. [Latin amanuensis, from the phrase (servus) amanu, (slave) at handwriting :a, ab, by; see ab1 + manu, ablative of manus, hand; see man-2 in Indo-European Roots.]

I just thought it was interesting, and another two-cent word to toss in every so often. Apparently mom’s been an amanuensis for most of her working life!

Apparently I was pretty off-base about ‘amen’ having anything to do with ‘word’, however — I just looked it up on dictionary.com, here’s the result for that:

amen A*men” (?; 277), interj., adv., & n. [L. amen, Gr. ‘amh`n, Heb. [=a]m[=e]n certainly, truly.]

An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it is a solemn asseveration of belief. When it introduces a declaration, it is equivalent to truly, verily.

I still think my ‘amen/word/word of God’ guess was a good one, though. :)

Still in Hollywood

It’s Thursday morning, and I’m sitting here staring slightly bleary-eyed at the computer monitor here at work, trying to do two things: firstly, kick-start my brain into gear after being up fairly late last night; and secondly, see if there’s any way I can communicate how absolutely cool the Concrete Blonde concert I went to last night was. I’m probably not going to be able to do that good of a job, but…(shrug). Trust me. It was incredible.

Read more

It does snow here!

Snow in Seattle!I just thought this was pretty nifty, and funny too. Seattle actually got some snow this weekend! I snapped this pic of it just to prove that it actually can happen here. Of course, it’s nothing like Anchorage — but from the reactions down here, you’d think it was the Apocalypse!

Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating just a little bit, but…it’s still funny. Candice and I walked down to Westlake Center (one of two main shopping malls in downtown Seattle), and were both amazed at how dead it was for a Sunday afternoon. Apparently nobody thought they could actually make it out of the house.

Flaming down Broadway

Passing the torchI’ll expand this entry more later on tonight with pictures and such, but last night the Olympic Torch relay came through Seattle. I’d already checked the route maps provided by the Seattle Times and King 5 and seen that the route was scheduled to go within a block of my apartment at about 5:45pm! Since the walk home from work only takes about 20 minutes, I knew I’d be home in time to wander down and watch the relay come by.

Just before 5:45 I left the Shoebox and wandered down the hill to Pike Street. There were already a few other people standing on the corner of Pike and Boylston waiting for the relay to come by, and we chatted off and on for the next few mintues as we waited. Round about 6-ish or so some trucks came by handing out noisemakers for us to play with as the runner came by, so we each grabbed a few and kept waiting. And waiting. Apparently the procession wasn’t exactly keeping to schedule.

By 6:15 or so we were getting a bit chilly — though the temperature last night was in the mid-30’s, which isn’t too bad, there was a fairly constant wind that made things a bit colder — when a couple ladies came by selling t-shirts. We asked them if they knew how far along the runner was, and they said that he was still working his way through downtown Seattle! At that point, we all decided that a stop by the Rosebud to warm up sounded like a good idea, and off we went. I grabbed a table right by the street so I could keep an eye on the crowds still gathering along Pike Street to get a feel for when things were coming our way, and nursed a very nice Malibu Rum and Coke.

It was probably around 6:30 or so when we noticed that the news helicopters were now hovering almost directly overhead (side note: even when you know they’re news choppers, it’s a wee bit disconcerting to be able to look in the sky and see three hovering helicopters with spotlights trained in your general direction), and a few minutes after that people on the street started pointing down the hill. Everyone waiting in the Rosebud took that as our clue, and headed out to the street.

The next runner gets readyI hadn’t known this before, never having seen the Torch relay before, but it’s not done with one runner from start to finish through each town. Rather, they have multiple runners, each one carrying a torch for a short distance, at the end of which the flame is passed on to the next runner with their own torch for the next leg. As it turns out, they were switching runners just a block before the Pike/Broadway intersection, so I was able to get a couple shots of the new runner getting ready to go, the passing of the flame, and then the previous runner getting his congratulations. It was a pretty cool thing to be able to see — I’ll try to get my pictures up this evening.

Karl got fat! Er…phat? Um…

Quite nice — just a quick note to say congratulations to Karl on his new Harley Davidson!

This is one of those things that mom would kill me for admitting, but I’ve occasionally thought that getting a motorcycle would be a lot of fun. However, should that ever happen, it’s a long ways down the road…but for now, congrats, Karl!

That’s a big cockroach!

I swear, that cockroach is going to pick up my stereo, put it on his shoulders and just crawl right out of there one of these days…

— overheard while walking back to work on lunch

Greeneyes rocks too!

I’ve been promising to do this ever since I made my Belinda rocks! post — and since that was back in late November, it’s probably about time I actually did it, huh?

Anyway, GreenEyes rocks too ! Another instant celebrity, courtesy of lil’ ol’ me!

Never let it be said that I won’t whore myself out for attention.