Gigs Music Theater 1998

So this is a little bit of silly self-indulgence…but then, wouldn’t that pretty much describe this entire website? ;)

Back when I was DJing at Gig’s Music Theater, I was also running a website for the club (and though I have no way of verifying this, I’ve always assumed that we were one of the first clubs to have a website running). As part of the website, I kept track of my requests, and kept a running “top requests” list. Since I archived the website as it was when the club shut down, I still have the last “top requests” list that I posted, back in 1998. Looking at it the other day, it struck me that it could make for an entertaining playlist….

So here we are: Two hours and forty-five minutes of the top club hits in 1998, as determined by the requests at an all-ages, non-alcoholic, alternative club in Anchorage, Alaska. In other words, this list probably wouldn’t match a similar list anywhere and anytime else.

It’s a little rough around the edges in spots, but that’s cause it’s recorded “live”, with no post-processing or editing. It’s not perfect, but I’ve rarely been perfect, and I think it ended up an honest and pretty fun throwback to what you’d have heard at Gig’s “back in the day”.

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Where Time Becomes A Loop

Number seven from my old collection of mixes that I’m re-posting. We’re moving back into longer sessions again, with this one coming in at just under an hour. Of all the mixes I’ve had sitting around, this is one of my top three favorites, with my third favorite being yesterday’s ‘ToriMix’, and my top favorite coming tomorrow.

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Back To the ’80s!

Chances are you’re either going to love me or hate me for posting this. Personally, I think this is great — my tolerance for cheezy pop is really high — but there will be no hard feelings if you blame me for wanting to brillo pad your brain clean after watching this. :)

[From Usenet: 7.20.98 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <6p2df9$>, wrote:

So does anyone know the song I am talking about? :) I have a small mp3 that is a minute long of this Antiloop Megamix.. “Dr. Jones” If anyone has the full song in mp3 format, or knows if its obtainable on CD , please let me know…

Much as spending money on Aqua hurt, I know the track…I found it on a japanese import CD called Aquamania: The Remixes Vol. I – picked it up at a local Camelot, of all things. Truthfully, the disc surprised me…a lot of the remixes are pretty good. Those songs can acutually get decent when you strip out the vocals and tweak the remixes enough… “