[Note: This was originally a post to the alt.music.nin
Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]
I do suppose, while not being necessarily one of the ‘big names’ (with a gun? sorry…seemingly obligatory lyrics reference) on a.m.nin, I might as well pitch in…
Currently living by the pesudonym Woody…only my family and very old friends bother with my given name anymore, so I pretty much ignore it. 21 years old, and not currently in school. Thankfully able to avoid an @aol.com
address, though due to a local provider, ended up with a mildy cool address. Yippe, lifes ambition is fulfilled. Or not.
At present, biding my time here in the frozen wasteland of Anchorage, Alaska until I can get my skinny butt out of here. Current future looks like I’ll be hitting Seattle roundabouts late March or early April, not through any great longing to hit that particular false mecca of the ’90’s, but rather taking a chance to head down with a friend. Finally have a realistic chance to get out, don’t care where I end up. Yes, Anchorage is that bad. Bitch bitch bitch. There, that’s done.
Unlike the previous three posts in this that I’ve read, not currently a musician. Bummer. Classical vocal training as a child and a passing familiarity with the violin aren’t too high in demand these days. I wonder why…. I fill my time making lots of copies at the local Kinko’s. Work a swing shift, which means I get up about 2 in the afternoon, hit work at 4, off at midnight, and crash between 4 and 6 in the morning. Perfect for a night owl. When I’m not there, I usually move into the local Village Inn (a classier Denny’s type place). Friday nights I dj for a local teen club’s ‘Alternative’ night. Currently being screwed over by the manager pay wise, but hey…I get six hours a week to play whatever I feel like really, really loud, and with no place else for the under-21 crowd to go, lots of people have fun. I can deal with being a bit of a sucker for that.
Musically, decently wide ranged. A collection of 300-some discs, ranging from Abba to Legendary Pink Dots to gregorian chant to KLF, Sisters of Mercy, Mary’s Danish…very into ’80’s stuff, Jesus Christ Superstar, and have a couple of cd’s of German ‘indie’ music that goes over great at the club. Must admit to a bit of self-absorbed pride in being one of the only people here in Anchorage who not only listens to nin, but knows what I’m babbling about, much of which I owe to a.m.nin. Even hassled the local music chain for three months until they tracked down Demo’s and Remixes…and last I looked, they still had two copies of it, the better pressing even. The people up here just don’t know what’s out there…funny.
Computer wise, am a confessed mac fanatic. Hey…I can admit to being enough of an idiot to like the pretty little pictures. Course, some of those ‘pretty’ little icons were grabbed from Geiger scans, but hey…. Refuse to be dragged into a ‘my box is better’ debate, though, as I have a healthy respect for beemers, use the ones at Kinko’s a fair amount, and wouldn’t mind grabbing one, if a recent engine seizure hadn’t put me so far in debt. Just avoid Windoze like the plague. Gerf.
So hey, that’s me…take it or leave it. Fun fun fun.