On This Day: Sep 28

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 17 posts previously published on September 28th

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
    • We decided late September was close enough to October to put up our Halloween goodies.
    • Fred Perry kills its yellow-tipped black polo shirt, denounces fascist appropriators: The company announced today it discontinued U.S. production of the black/yellow/yellow shirt some time ago, and posted an unusually unequivocal and forceful denunciation.
    • On This Day: Sep 28 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from September 28
  • 2016
    • Hard to get an angle where the bandaid is visible, but I got my flu shot today. If any of you grubbers get sick, it won’t be my fault! 😷 (272/366)
  • 2009
  • 2008
    • Obama, Meet Bartlet The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.
  • 2005
    • Help: CSS2 selectors I'm working on setting up a print stylesheet for the site. I've got it about, oh, 98% done -- done enough that I _could_ leave it as-is, except that there's one little thing that's bothering me that so far, I'm not able to fix. Also, a possible bug with Safari and print stylesheets.
    • Cal Anderson Park Another excursion for me yesterday, as I went down to Capitol Hill to explore the newly re-opened Cal Anderson Park. While some might be a tad skeptical about just what uses the park will be put to, I was quite impressed with it during my walkthrough.
  • 2004
    • Yet another set of library photos While the new Seattle Central Library has been the subject of so many photosets across the Seattle blogosphere that it's likely well on its way to becoming passé, I had to have my day.
    • 200 Things Meme time: 200 things. Those I've done are in bold.
    • Bush’s hometown paper endorses Kerry Ouch. That's gotta sting — the newspaper for Bush's adopted hometown of Crawford, TX has expressed its discontent with Bush's presidency and endorsed John Kerry for President.
    • A Day in the Life of Joe Republican Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they work as advertised.
  • 2003
    • Excluding OS X? Anybody want to take a stab at explaining to me just what operating system Microsoft thinks I'm running on my Mac that has a version number equal to or greater than 10.0, and yet excludes OS X?
  • 2002
    • Goodbye Dez! I just got back from a nice goodbye dinner for Dez, who's leaving on Tuesday to move to Toronto to live with her finacee.
  • 2001
    • Kudos to The Onion Upon completing His outburst, God fell silent, standing quietly at the podium for several moments. Then, witnesses reported, God's shoulders began to shake, and He wept.

On This Day: Sep 27

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 21 posts previously published on September 27th

  • 2023
  • 2021
    • 📚 34/2021: Rogue Elements by John Jackson Miller ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🖖🏻
  • 2020
  • 2016
    • No great insights or funny captions tonight. Just another Tuesday. (271/366)
  • 2015
    • Another neat set of dice from Kickstarter. These are “Doublesix” dice: twelve-sided, with 1-6 appearing twice. Amusingly, as with the other dice project I backed, I don’t actually use dice all that much, so these may spend most of their life on a shelf. But they were inexpensive and caught my eye, so here they ... Read more
  • 2014
    • The kids’ play clothes bin includes a couple lucha libre masks. Obviously, my niece and nephew are being raised well. :D
    • Hanging out with my niece for her first birthday!
    • It’s supposed to be a vampire and a witch, but I’m pretty sure I see this couple every time I make it out to the Merc. ;) #goth #halloween
  • 2005
    • Think of the Children! It's an only in New York story. A woman was given a ticket for sitting on a park bench because she doesn't have children.
  • 2004
    • One million plus, baby! I haven't been checking often enough to know exactly when this happened, but at some point in the past few days (sometime on Friday, I think), my hit counter passed one million.
    • Interrobang‽ If I ever decide to move away from 'eclecticism' as a site name (which I'm not likely to do anytime soon), I think 'interrobang‽' would be a great replacement.
    • Rules for the Kerry/Bush debates Not far removed from a total farce, unfortunately — still, I'd like to be able to see them. Unfortunately, as I don't bother with television, I'm not sure what options I have. Does anyone happen to know if there are any plans to webcast any or all of the debates? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    • Zero! More than a week after returning from my vacation, I've finally reduced the number of unread items in NetNewsWire to zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I'm caught up!
    • Muldoon Road, Anchorage, Alaska Another 360° panoramic photograph from my recent vacation. This time, I'm standing on one end of a pedestrian overpass on Muldoon road, just beyond the curve where Muldoon becomes Tudor (the curve can be seen on the extreme left and right of the image).
  • 2003
    • My new toy! So today was the big day — new computers for both Prarie and me! Prairie got a new iMac (which came with all sorts of other goodies), and I got my G5.
    • It's here! I've got a big black box sitting on my bed right now, just begging to be opened. More later. I've got to go play…
  • 2002
    • A link for dad Each weekday, the Word Spy presents a new word, its definition, and a citation (usually from a major newspaper or magazine) that shows how people are using the word. You also get extra goodies such as background on the word's formation, a list of related words from the Word Spy database, quotations on words and language, and more.
    • Erk – how did I manage this one? Okay, this is interesting. It appears that I've managed to mung up the code for my pages somewhere so that someone using Internet Explorer 5.2 under Mac OS X cannot leave a comment. Other browsers can, however. I'll use the comments for this post as a testing ground to try to narrow things down.
  • 2001
    • Wow… There's a distinct possibility that I just might be able to get out of debt within the next month.
    • To boldly go… Okay, what was the point to the decontamination scene? Or, rather, _was_ there a point beyond titillation?

On This Day: Sep 26

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 23 posts previously published on September 26th

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
    • Hey, young people — don’t vote.
    • Austistic boy hates being in photos, mom lets him wear T-Rex suit for family pics. This is adorable!
  • 2016
    • Pretty sure my face is frozen like this. #debates #debates2016 Absolutely baffled that anyone can think that Trump is even remotely qualified to be President, let alone the nearly 50% of the country that current polls show. It’s just so very sad, depressing, and honestly frightening. (270/366)
  • 2015
    • Fred Meyer’s “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” knockoff is quite amusingly named.
  • 2010
  • 2008
  • 2007
    • Facebook: MySpace Without the Pain Sure, it's not perfect -- though at the moment, the only annoyances I've run into have been with some of the third-party application plugins, rather than with Facebook itself -- but as far as social networking goes, this is the first I've seen that I'm actually fairly impressed by.
  • 2005
    • I’m Employed Again! In other news, I've got a job!
    • Northgate Theatre and Medical Office Building Word came out this week that Seattle's Northgate Mall was finally going to be getting an upgrade, part of which is going to involve demolishing the Medical Office Building and the Northgate Theatre that have long stood empty and unused. Since I had some time to kill yesterday, I wandered down to the Northgate Mall and spent some time wandering around the old buildings.
  • 2004
    • Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow In the midst of watching all of the recently-released Star Wars films (okay, sure, they're not quite what they were when I first saw them, but they're still a lot of fun), Prairie and I took a break on Saturday to wander down the hill to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
  • 2003
    • Apology accepted I just checked back to Laura's site, and realized that she issued an apology on the 19th — just a case of a 'newbie' getting a little over-excited. In the long run, not that big of a deal.
    • Dean/Clark? Essentially, as I look at it all together, Clark worries me. At least to me, he's coming off as wishy-washy. He strikes me as someone who'd make a very good cabinet member or advisor to the President on military matters, but not someone I'd be terribly thrilled to be voting into office.
  • 2002
    • Thoughts on EspressoBlog I've mentioned a couple times that I've been using EspressoBlog to make posts. In the process, I've come up with a few issues and ideas, and figured a post here (and TrackBack ping to Phil, since it works in EB now!) would work.
    • Who says the Mac doesn’t have any software? One of the constant things I get from Wintel people is that there isn't any software for the Mac -- in fact, I heard this just the other day, talking with someone at work.
    • Death penalty unconstitutional If the death penalty is to be part of our system of justice, due process of law and the fair trial guarantees of the Sixth Amendment require that standards and safeguards governing the kinds of evidence juries may consider must be rigorous, and constitutional rights and liberties scrupulously protected.
  • 2001
    • Enterprise Tonight's the premiere episode of Enterprise, the new Star Trek series. I'm hoping to be able to catch it, Damon has said I can hang out over at his place tonight to see the show. Hopefully it'll be worthwhile -- I've gotta admit, I'm intrigued by what I've read so far.
    • Bleah. Bleah, bleah, bleah. And a pfpptfptpfpt too. Unfortunately, falling asleep at one in the morning doesn't exactly help ensure a quick up-n-at-'em in the morning. I didn't miss my bus, but I sure didn't hop out of bed as quickly as I do when I crash out at 10pm.

On This Day: Sep 25

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 25 posts previously published on September 25th

  • 2023
    • Year 50 Day 146 Here's what you'd see if you were hanging out in my home office watching me work.
  • 2020
  • 2017
  • 2016
    • Uff. #StarTrek #VOY is so difficult to get through. We’ve made it to Season 7, so at least we’re almost done, but man, is this a slog. (269/366)
    • Even the farmers are certified organic. At least Fred Meyers isn’t contributing to the robot uprising by purchasing from synthetic farmers.
  • 2014
    • Since I’m starting school again, it seemed appropriate (if slightly embarrassing) to dig up my high school freshman photo for #throwbackthursday.
  • 2008
  • 2007
    • Fall Quarter ’07 Barring unexpected catastrophes, I'll be walking across a stage and receiving my AA degree this spring. There's a point to all this after all! ;)
  • 2006
    • Eragon and Dragon Wings I've not read either of Chris Paolini's young-adult fantasy books, Eragon or Eldest, but I saw a trailer for a movie adaptation of the first book, to be released this Christmas season.
    • White and Nerdy An instant Weird Al favorite.
    • Aperture Consider this firmly on my wishlist come Christmastime: not only has Apple just upgraded Aperture to version 1.5, but Frasier Spiers has announced the first beta of an Aperture version of his excellent FlickrExport plugin
  • 2005
    • On Dissent and Disloyalty If we confuse dissent with disloyalty — if we deny the right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox — if we deny the essence of ratial equality (sic) then hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa who are shopping about for a new allegiance will conclude that we are concerned to defend a myth and our present privileged status. Every act that denies or limits the freedom of the individual in this country costs us the ... confidence of men and women who aspire to that freedom and independence of which we speak and for which our ancestors fought.
  • 2004
    • Spenard Lake, Anchorage, Alaska One of the panoramic shots I took while on vacation in Anchorage &dmash; Spenard Lake, which together with Lake Hood makes up the single busiest seaplane airport in the world (over 90,000 operations in 1994).
  • 2003
    • White House edits to EPA Report on the Environment Here's a leaked internal memo from the EPA discussing changes that the White House made to the EPA's Report on the Environment, and what options they have while dealing with the White House.
    • Wanna get the FBI's attention? The following is (theoretically) a list of (most of) the (suspected) keywords. So if I suddenly stop posting here…this post is probably why. ;)
    • Easy MovableType to TypePad redirecting I'd been planning on diving into the arcana of the Apache mod_rewrite module to redirect all the hits to this new address, but then tonight I discovered a much, much easier solution.
    • Here come the ads My 'Bookshelf' (books) and 'Noises' (CDs) lists are back on the site, now that TypePad has given us the necessary tags to work them into our templates.
    • Bare your bum at Bush! Objective: To collectively voice our displeasure at the impending arrival of George W Bush in the UK and in doing so either sour the experience or prevent his arrival.
    • Love, Natalie Saddam Hussein called and wants to know where his weapons of mass destruction are. Listen Saddam, I already told you, I don't know. You’re going to have to call the White House on that one.
    • Geek porn! Cute girl + Dual 2.0 Ghz PowerMac G5 = Geek Porn!
    • Dean breaks Clinton's fundraising record According to ABC News, Howard Dean is on-track to come close to the quarter-million mark in fundraising so far, and has already beat Clinton's fundraising record.
    • Burning toast brightly, proudly, and with great beauty In the end, the school board voted unanimously to keep Brave New World and Stranger in a Strange Land, while giving parents more control over their students’ choices by requiring principals to automatically offer an alternative to a challenged book.
  • 2002
    • ‘Don’t be so vain…’ Set a course for Earth...kill everything.
    • I’m official I should have done this before, but finally, roughly nine months after installing it, I've finally paid for and registered MovableType, the software I use for my blogs.
    • Linkage I just noticed that both Falling Awake and db link to me. Nice to know someone else out there finds me worth checking in on for one reason or another -- much appreciated!

On This Day: Sep 24

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 25 posts previously published on September 24th

  • 2023
  • 2020
  • 2016
    • Most of the #StarWars #Lego sets are fun and cute, but don’t need to come home with me. The little #HanSolo encased in carbonite (plus #BobaFett!) was just too cute to pass up, though.
    • Almost two hours, almost six miles. Gorgeous fall morning for a walk. Not a bad start to the weekend at all. (268/366)
  • 2014
    • Time to head home, have dinner…and do homework! Day one of my grad school career is here!
  • 2009
  • 2008
  • 2004
    • My parents were kiddos too! Now that dad has a scanner that can see slides, he's been going through and adding a lot of old photos to the family photo album. I love seeing these — it's so fun to go through shots of my folks when they were around my age (or younger — as in this photo, taken at age 20 at their wedding rehearsal dinner).
    • What if…? What would America look like if it were in Iraq's current situation? The population of the US is over 11 times that of Iraq, so a lot of statistics would have to be multiplied by that number.
    • Stupid humor: President Freezes Tourists’ Assets Inspired by a throwaway comment on /., I took a Sept. 24, 2001 Presidential address and replaced every instance of 'terrorism' with 'tourism'. Just think of it as an answer to the age-old question of, 'If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?'
    • Politicizing Warfare The Washington Monthly is asking about the fantasyland that George Bush seems to be living in, when waging a war in which the strategy seems to be based not on any real situations, but on election-year political situations.
    • A look at the 2000 election Many of you will have heard of and read the lengthy October 2004 Vanity Fair article by David Margolick et al. on the 2000 election litigation, with a focus on never-before-reported details about what happened inside the Supreme Court. The piece has received a great deal of attention inside the Court because, as the article details, '[a] surprising number of [law] clerks [from that term] talked to Vanity Fair.'
    • Are you better off? Ontario Emperor pointed out a series of graphs from Buzzflash highlighting some of the numbers behind how our country is doing. Not that surprising if you've been paying attention, but certainly interesting to see.
    • One week in I've made it to the end of my first week on 'banking hours', and you know…I think I just might be able to get used to this. All in all, while the mornings are still a little rough, I think this is definitely going to be a positive change.
  • 2003
    • Good news! George W. Bush is in the worst political trouble of his presidency, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday night. Bush’s approval rating now stands at 49 percent, the lowest point of his tenure.
    • Credit where credit is due I'm fairly obvious about having a strong anti-Microsoft bias. However, I do have to admit (and really don't mind doing so) that the Macintosh team at Microsoft does some truly kick-ass work.
    • Diebold's voting machines There's a good article on Salon looking at the issues with Diebold's electronic voting machines, which are being used to replace troublesome punch-card voting machines after the 2000 voting debacle. It doesn't look like our votes are any safer under the new system.
    • Other reactions to Bush's UN speech Has an American president ever delivered such a bafflingly impertinent speech before the General Assembly as the one George W. Bush gave this morning?
    • Inappropriate sexual arousal for teens Would Ms. Wilde be so kind as to suggest some alternate reading that provides appropriate sexual arousal for young teens?
  • 2002
    • A gun for words The problem with reading wonderful writing by truly great authors is that my own writing suffers, dramatically, in comparison. Everything I write lately just sits on the page, flat, dejected, and suffering. If there was such a thing as a gun for words, I would shoot each of mine and give them a quick and painfree end.
    • Rearranging a bit I've done a bit of reorganizing to the sidebar, in an effort to group things together a bit more logically, and move sections that are more likely to be used closer to the top (above the 'fold', so to speak).
    • 40.5 days Over the past few months, I've been working on converting every audio CD I own to .mp3 format on my computer. I just got done tonight -- and the results are kinda frightening, in a very cool sort of way.
  • 2001
    • Just a quick word or two Just tossing a quick entry in before I send out the e-mail update to those few people who get it. It's Monday morning and I'm at work, so don't want to spend too long here, but I thought it would be good to get a little bit in here so I'm not completely out of date.

On This Day: Sep 23

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 22 posts previously published on September 23rd

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
    • The Typography of Star Trek Typeset in the Future: Star Trek: The Motion Picture If you’re a fan of Star Trek: The Original Series, you might be expecting to see the font from its opening titles in Star Trek: The Motion Picture too. This font was (perhaps unsurprisingly) called Star Trek…. The Star Trek font also appeared in a non-italic ... Read more
    • On This Day: Sep 23 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from September 23
  • 2018
    • Report: Disney re-animating parts of Wreck-It-Ralph sequel after Princess and the Frog criticism. I’m impressed that Disney is doing this. Good for them for listening and actually taking action.
    • Linkdump for September 3rd through September 23rd An automatically generated list of links that caught my eye between September 3rd and September 23rd.
  • 2017
    • Our local Fred Meyer has the (ahem) recently discovered Rhino Dragon in stock! 🦏🐲 😆
  • 2016
    • Book forty-three of 2016: Remake, by Connie Willis 🌟🌟🌟 (267/366)
    • How embarrassing! That’s twice this week I’ve forgotten my daily photo. Here’s my Snapchat filter as penance! (266/366)
  • 2014
    • At the CWU Grad School orientation, ready to be students again! #cwupride
  • 2008
  • 2007
  • 2005
  • 2004
    • Derailing the Peace Train I saw this while flipping through the paper yesterday on lunch, and thought it was fairly ridiculous, and now the story is making it's way across the 'net: the United States is now safely protected from the evil Cat Stevens.
  • 2003
    • More on Gibson's 'The Passion' Dad sent me a couple articles over the last few days looking at Mel Gibson's 'The Passion', lately seeming to be the most controversial religious film that almost no one's seen since Dogma was in pre-release. Anyway, if you're at all interested in the film or the controversy around it, both of these are worth a look.
    • Shaolin Soccer needs to be released, dammit Among the top 10 movies downloaded on the Internet in August were the usual blockbusters: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hulk, Matrix Reloaded ... and Shaolin Soccer.
    • Matrix/Web Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it, that there's something wrong with the web. You don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.
    • Bush's U.N. address Bits and pieces from yesterday's address to the U.N. by President Bush.
  • 2002
    • Why can’t Bush speak? He's made it clear repeatedly: George W. Bush is always right, George W. Bush can do no wrong. And now he's accidentally made the point again, by showing himself incapable -- psychologically, and therefore physically -- of saying 'Shame on me.'
    • ‘Up-skirt’ photography ‘reprehensible’ but legal The state's voyeurism law protects people who are in a place where they 'would have a reasonable expectation of privacy'.... But the court found the law doesn't apply to filming people in a public place, even if it's underneath their clothes.
    • More TrackBack mumbo-jumbo Phil makes a good case for not including TrackBack metadata in the HTML for the main site page. This works well for me, as I'd previously struggled with it causing problems with the HTML validation for my site.

On This Day: Sep 22

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 18 posts previously published on September 22nd

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2020
    • 📚 thirty-eight of 2020: The Captains’ Honor by David and Daniel Dvorkin ⭐️⭐️ #startrek #tng Somehow the Roman gladiator planet from TOS has become a full member of the Federation, with a Starfleet ship crewed entirely by these neo-Romans. It does not go well.
    • On This Day: Sep 22 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from September 22
  • 2019
    • As of today, I’ve completed my Goodreads Reading Challenge of 52 books (one for each week), with more than three months to spare. 18 of those books have been part of my Hugo reading project. Not a bad nine months’ work. Now to see where I end up at year’s end!
    • Book fifty-two of 2019: Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ While the story didn’t entirely grab me, the artwork by #nwc43 Artist GOH Sana Takeda is quite gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her work in person next spring.
  • 2014
    • Monday is done. Running out of days when campus will be this empty!
  • 2008
    • Say what, Sarah? Y'know, I think one of the things that really bugs me about Sarah Palin is simply that all too often, when I'm reading transcriptions of statements she's made, I have _no idea_ what she's saying. Well, okay, not _no_ idea -- generally it is possible to figure out what she's trying to say -- but her spoken grammar goes beyond the usual sloppiness one can expect in off-the-cuff spoken English into sheer gobbledygook.
  • 2007
    • Alive Again… After twenty-two days, we're finally up and running in the new apartment -- internet and phone are both _finally_ working as they should. This took far, _far_ too long.
  • 2006
    • Cydonia redux The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has obtained new, high resolution images of the ever-popular Cydonian 'face' on Mars, putting to rest (again) the myth that there's actually a constructed face on the surface of the red planet.
  • 2005
  • 2004
    • Security issues driving PC users to the Mac It's certainly not much of a surprise, given the ever-increasing number of attacks against Windows of late, but more and more people are moving to the Mac platform after getting hit by one too many Windows security problems.
    • 1000 millimeters in an inch Okay, I know that the US has, as a whole, been resisting switching over to the metric system (a real shame in my opinion). But still — you'd think that the Department of Homeland Security would be a little more informed than they appear to be…
    • Too hot! Too cold! Augghh! One definite disadvantage to switching up to the 8am-5pm schedule I'm on now. Aaaahhhh, the joys of apartment living!
  • 2003
    • Future plans Now, this is all fairly tentative at the moment, but I've been toying with the idea of getting back into school for some time now, and it just may be time to start finally working towards that. We'll see where things go from here.
    • Bugfixes are good Well, that was a nice surprise. I just updated my Mac to OS X 10.2.8, and on restart, discovered a bug fix.
    • My eyes! My eyes! Hasn't use of the 'blink' tag been outlawed by now? The worst part is, the rest of the design isn't shabby at all, which just makes the gratuitously annoying blinking stand out by comparison. Ugh.
    • JetBlue class action lawsuit Did you fly JetBlue between February 2000 and September 2002? You may be eligible for a class action lawsuit against JetBlue being investigated.

On This Day: Sep 21

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 18 posts previously published on September 21st

  • 2023
  • 2021
    • 📚 33/2021: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 2020
  • 2018
    • Pros and cons of working from home in one sentence: When you’re sick, it doesn’t necessarily mean you fall behind on work. Yay? The biggest change is that while I usually work from home, today I’m working from my bed. With more naps. And an even more lax dress code than usual.
  • 2017
  • 2016
    • I’m becoming one of “those people” — get up and do 30 minutes on either the stationary bike or the elliptical before my morning shower. This morning was the elliptical, and Prairie caught me boogieing to a good tune (a mashup of Baltimora’s “Tarzan Boy” and Katie Perry’s “California Girls”). (265/366)
  • 2014
    • Started today with a nice walk along the Yakima river. Pretty morning!
  • 2009
  • 2008
    • Star Trek Story Record #8 (BR 513) A treasure I found a long time ago, and recently reacquired from my brother. Star Trek Story Record #8, Power Records BR 513, _still in the shrink wrap_. This set includes the LP and a comic book with two stories: _A Mirror for Futility_ by Alan Dean Foster, and _The Time Stealer_ by Cary Bates and Neal Adams.
  • 2006
  • 2004
    • The new me I don't think these pictures really do them justice, but I got my new glasses today, along with Star Wars on DVD.
  • 2003
    • Finding my sea legs When Rick called me a couple weeks ago to let me know that he'd found a place to rent kayaks and asked if I wanted to go along, I was all for it. Yesterday around noon, he and his roommate Liza picked me up, and we headed off to find the Agua Verde Paddle Club.
  • 2002
    • Goth isn’t dead…it just wishes it were. Goth will never die. Of course for fun we could take it out, bury it, and then dig it up later to see what it looks like.
    • Reviewed! Last week I stumbled across Bloggy Opinions a blog review website. It seemed fairly entertaining, and the reviewers seemed to do a good even job of reviewing the sites they visited, so I went ahead and submitted 'The Long Letter' to them.
    • Yikes I think I just heard gunshots. Eight, very quick, all together, no pauses. Creepy.
  • 2001
    • Amusing quotes anyways, my GAY brother tom was watchin vh1, which is like suppose to be like mtv only for old people or something, and there was this thing called 25 years of punk! i was like, hell ya, i'm a punk! so of course i had to watch it!

On This Day: Sep 20

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 20 posts previously published on September 20th

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2020
    • Your ‘Surge Capacity’ Is Depleted — It’s Why You Feel Awful Surge capacity is a collection of adaptive systems — mental and physical — that humans draw on for short-term survival in acutely stressful situations, such as natural disasters. But natural disasters occur over a short period, even if recovery is long. Pandemics are different ... Read more
    • On This Day: Sep 20 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from September 20
  • 2018
    • “This last week has really made great strides to remind me that women’s pain doesn’t matter in America.”
  • 2016
    • From this morning: catching up on Facebook while pedaling on the exercise bike. (264/366)
    • Once again, a Snapchat filter as penance for forgetting my photo yesterday. (263/366)
  • 2014
    • Just a quiet Saturday evening at home.
  • 2011
    • DADT is done On September 20, 2011, 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' will officially become past tense.
  • 2010
  • 2006
    • Photofront I just found a really nice way to create a very slick gallery style presentation: Photofront. A few clicks create a simple Flash-based photo presentation that can either be hosted on the Photofront site or embedded into your own site as I've done. Nicely done!
  • 2005
    • Cute. Cuddly. Delicious. Babies: Cute. Cuddly. Delicious.
    • Yes! We Have No Bananas! This is fascinating, and -- amusing as it sounds -- actually pretty serious: we could be as little as five years away from a banana apocalypse...and that's not even the worst case scenario.
  • 2003
    • Carver This little vehicle looks perfect for me — small, great for in-city driving, lots of fun to drive around in, and very eye-catching. Unfortunately, it looks like it's only available in Europe. Bleah. I can dream, though, can't I?
  • 2002
    • The Turing Test is in no danger Just some fun wordplay, from this MeFi thread dealing with AI, language, and other such goodies.
    • Nu Shortcuts in School R 2 Much 4 Teachers Melanie Weaver was stunned by some of the term papers she received from a 10th-grade class she recently taught.... 'They would be trying to make a point in a paper, they would put a smiley face in the end.... If they were presenting an argument and they needed to present an opposite view, they would put a frown.'
    • Violence in the media People say, 'After Columbine, do you feel a responsibility about the way you portray violence?' And I'm like, 'No, I felt a responsibility about the way I portrayed violence the first time I picked up a pen.'
    • Breakin’ the law! Breakin’ the law! The Onion does not support the use of its headlines without the express written consent of the publisher. You can put a link to The Onion on your site but may not use the headlines or content. More information on how to link to The Onion is available at our Link Page.
    • Fat scrimping Rob's writing another story.

On This Day: Sep 19

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 27 posts previously published on September 19th

  • 2023
  • 2020
    • A Long List of GOP Senators Who Promised Not to Confirm a Supreme Court Nominee During an Election Year Pointing out all the hypocrisy won’t get Democrats very far in what will be one of the most contentious nomination fights in the court’s history. But it should at least clarify who they’re dealing with.
    • On This Day: Sep 19 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from September 19
  • 2019
    • Honest Academic Job Postings: The Chemistry department invites applicants for an assistant professor whose research requires the outdated and esoteric equipment we have sitting around in our labs.
    • Book fifty-one of 2019: The Trouble With Tribbles, by David Gerrold. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ A fun, breezy memoir about the creation of one of Star Trek’s most beloved episodes, this is an enjoyable peek into the creative process for television in the 1960s, and Star Trek in particular.
  • 2018
    • How a prank to improve McDonald’s ad diversity turned into a marketing campaign: What an unexpectedly nice response from McDonalds to this prank. Nicely done all around!
    • Remember When You Could Call the Time? I do: 844 was the local number in Anchorage, Alaska. This article is from 2016, but gives the U.S. Naval Observatory’s time service number as 202-762-1401, so I called it — and it’s still up and running!
  • 2017
    • One of these days we need to have a game night… #munchkin #munchkinshakespeare
  • 2015
    • Bug Flickers. Flickers. Right. #badfont #kerningfail
  • 2008
  • 2006
    • International Vote Like an American Pirate Day If I didn't have to go to work this afternoon, I'd _so_ be spending the day down at the Seattle Center, wandering around, taking pictures, and hoping for the three events to collide in some spectacularly silly fashion.
  • 2005
    • Best Viewed Large I have to admit to a certain curiosity about the tendency for so many people to add 'best viewed large' to the descriptions of a photo they've uploaded to Flickr. Two things are constantly popping into my head when I see 'best viewed large' added to a photo...
    • Men In Kilts It's the freedom, they say. The freedom to move, to feel the breeze, to stay cool on a hot summer day. And all this freedom comes simply from banishing pants to the back of the closet, say the men who wear the Utilikilt, a rugged modern take on the Celtic kilt.
  • 2004
    • Coalition of the Unwilling Costa Rica has requested that its name be stricken from the White House's 'Coalition of the Willing', saying their support was for the War on Terrorism, not the invasion of Iraq.
    • Vote for Kerry, Lose Your Job And I thought I got fired for a bad reason — my story doesn't even begin to compare to this woman who lost her job because she is a John Kerry supporter.
    • My Life (at age 11) My Life, by Mike Hanscom, age 11
    • Vacation pictures I've uploaded a selection of photos from my trip to Anchorage to two places: a few shots of friends and family to my flickr album, and more shots of Anchorage and the surrounding area to the family photo gallery.
  • 2003
    • Out at the Vogue Just got back from the Vogue. I don't often go on Friday nights, as I'm generally a bit tired at the end of the work week, and I know more of the music on Saturdays, but getting out of the house just seemed to be the thing to do tonight.
    • Surprise deportations It appears that immigrants in the process of becoming citizens are being sent letters asking them to report to the INS for paperwork reasons. When they go down to the office, expecting to fill out forms, process some paperwork, or pick up their green card, they are instead suddenly handcuffed, detained, and deported.
    • French 'Engrish' One of the ladies here at work just came back from a week in Paris, and she brought back an inflatable Eiffel Tower for us. The greatest part, of course, is the instruction sheet — apparently, 'Engrish' is multilingual…
    • Gay couple kept out of US A married gay couple on their way from Canada to a human rights conference in Georgia were not allowed to enter the United States today because the two men insisted on filling out a single Customs clearance form declaring themselves a family.
    • Weblog Ethics Rebecca Blood has an excerpt from her book The Weblog Handbook posted dealing with weblog ethics that's well worth looking at. I do my best to abide by these rules — to me, most of them are pure common sense — but it's not a bad idea to occasionally refresh the concept in your mind.
    • Avast, ye dogs! Aye, and here it be Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties!
    • Graham, not Isabel There's a picture making the e-mail rounds right now that purports to be a shot of Hurricane Isabel over the ocean before it hit land. Apparently it's been mislabeled — it's actually Tropical Storm Graham — but it's still one hell of a gorgeous picture.
  • 2002
    • Faster! Faster! Fas…aw, crap. I was playing with what I'd hoped would be a new feature for the site last night. Things were looking really promising for a while, too -- but it looks like it's not going to happen, or at the very least, not anytime soon. Bleah.
    • No more popups (almost) Since I'm one of the many people out there who believe, to the very depths of my soul, that popups are evil, I've removed the popup window for posting comments. Now, clicking on the 'comment' link will take you to the page for the post itself, and scroll down to the comment form. Simple, but much easier.
  • 2001
    • Slow times Of course, even when I claim that life is boring and I have nothing to do or say about it, I can still fill up eight-plus pages in this little notebook about my lack of anything to write about. Like that will come as a surprise to anyone who knows me.