The usual unplanned, random selection of whatever seems right in the moment.
Lords Of Acid
Difficult Listening Hour 2023.03.26
Another session of practicing with my mobile setup. Stuck pretty close to 130 BPM for this set, just pulling some of my particular favorite tracks out.
Difficult Listening Hour 2023.03.20
Just a short 30-minute practice set as I get used to using a mobile (laptop-based) setup instead of my home (iMac-based) setup, and to incorporating Beatsource as a track source instead of solely relying on my own library.
Difficult Listening Hour 2022.07.08
Unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants, let’s-see-what-happens mixing. You never know what might fall into one of these!
Hey, this thing is still here! This is just an hour of goofing around, mostly just testing to make sure all my electronic wires were configured correctly and that I still remembered how to get a stream up and running properly.
Difficult Listening Hour 2021.05.08
Unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants, let’s-see-what-happens mixing. You never know what might fall into one of these!
Difficult Listening Hour 2020.06.13: NSFQ (Not Safe for Quarantine) Edition
Moving into our fourth month of COVID-19 induced restrictions and “shelter in place” recommendations, I think a lot of people are getting a little frisky. So here’s two hours of tunes that could be considered either entirely appropriate or entirely inappropriate for the situation, depending on your point of view.
Difficult Listening Hour 2020.05.23: Bombtime!
I’ve apparently fallen into the habit of doing some sort of themed set every third week. This week started when I realized how many songs I had with “bomb” in the title, and decided to see what I could do with that….
Difficult Listening Hour 2020.05.09
Week thirteen of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday mid-mornings. These are the results. Anything goes.
Difficult Listening Hour 2020.01.23
Unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing (hopefully) regular Twitch broadcasts on Thursday nights. These are the results. Anything goes.
Old mashup from DJ Wüdi: Give It A Crablouse (Red Hot Chili Peppers “Give It Away Now” vs. Lords of Acid “Crablouse”).
I realized a few years ago that the verses for “Crablouse” had the same rhythm as those for “Give It Away Now”, so…this was the result.