Difficult Listening Hour 2021.04.17: It’s About Time!

First there was a time change, then I had other things monopolizing my time, then my computer crashed and I couldn’t get it back online in time to broadcast last Saturday, so this week, I’m finally back, and it’s about time! As in, every track has “time” in the title.

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Difficult Listening Hour 2021.01.09

Unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants, let’s-see-what-happens mixing. This week ended up being (nearly) all ’80s alternative. Some of my favorite classics in here, and some transitions that I’m quite happily surprised by. Enjoy!

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Difficult Listening Hour 2020.07.25

Week twenty-two of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday mid-mornings. These are the results. Anything goes.

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The DJ tried to kill me

Last night at The Vogue was really good — Ogre was DJing, standing in for Evan, and he kept making it damn near impossible for me to get off the dance floor. Always a good thing, of course, since it means that the music is consistently good — but then he topped it all off by playing Pop Will Eat Itself‘s “Can U Dig It?“, off of This is the Day…This is the Hour…This is This! I’m a big PWEI fan, and would never have expected to hear that at a club. Too cool.

iTunesDef.Con.One” by Pop Will Eat Itself from the album This is the Day…This is the Hour…This is This! (1989, 3:59).

[From Usenet: 8.13.95 2300]

[Note: This was originally a post to the rec.music.industrial Usenet newsgroup. I’m including it here for completeness. Originally archived here.]

In article <DD7JG7.586.0.qu...@torfree.net>, bm...@torfree.net (Coire Cadeau) wrote:

Stupid question: There was this song that had an industrial feel to it that I heard at a club last night… The only words I remember weren’t english, but they were something like: “Ich bin ein hauslander” (forgive me… I don’t speak german. That was just a phonetic attempt.) Has anybody heard this song? What’s it called and who does it?

Pop Will Eat Itself, “Ich bin ein Auslander,” off of Dos Deidos mi Amigos.
Sweet album…lots of good stuff.