Applescript: iPhoto or Aperture?

I’m experimenting with the Aperture free trial right now for photoshoots with my D70s, but I still wanted to use iPhoto for my Casio point and shoot. Apple allows you to set either iPhoto or Aperture to automatically launch when the Finder mounts a memory card, but by choosing either one, I’d have to quit and manually launch the other application depending on which camera I was importing shots from.

However, Aperture also gives you the ability to set any application to launch when a memory card is inserted. I set up this simple little Applescript (saved as a launchable app) to be the app launched on memory card insertion:

tell application "Finder"
    if exists disk "CASIO-DSC" then
        launch application "iPhoto"
    else if exists disk "NIKON D70S" then
        launch application "Aperture"
    end if
end tell

Now, whenever a memory card is inserted, the Applescript launches, checks the volume name of the memory card (which is set by the camera when you format the card), launches the appropriate photo application, and then quits.

Pretty simple for a lot of experienced Applescripters, I’m sure, but I’m pretty happy that I got it figured out.

Pre-Seattle Days

Those who follow me on Flickr will have noticed this already, but I’ve been spending some time digging through my old archive CDs and uploading a bunch of old photos from years (and digital cameras) past. At this point, I’ve made it through all my digital photos up to the last few days before I bailed out of Anchorage and migrated south to Seattle. As such, the two sets that have received the most attention are those for Gig’s Music Theater and Old Stuff: Life Before Seattle. Those who’ve met me (physically or virtually) more recently will find these of limited interest, but for those few of you who’ve known me for a while, you might get a kick out of some of these…and you might even find yourself in there a time or two!

Done with Hawaii

I was beginning to doubt that I’d ever find the time to finish this project, but I’m finally done with the pictures from our trip to Hawaii last summer!

Four-month turnaround really isn’t my preferred methodology, but at least I have good excuses for the delay (sudden unplanned moves, a busy school quarter and so on). If I can get the Thanksgiving photos taken care of in the next week and a half, that’ll bring me down to about one-month turnaround…

Finally, More Photos!

Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo

Pana’ewa Rainforest Zoo, originally uploaded by djwudi.

I actually had a day off today. No school, no work, nothing. So, I spent the day working on getting caught up on some of my photographic backlog. I started by processing a set of shots of Club V that I’d been asked to take, then dove back into the vacation photos from this summer. Lots of photos of the Pana’ewa Rainforest Zoo just outside of Hilo (one of which ended up being my 11,000th photo uploaded to Flickr!), plus some more snorkeling.

I’m still not quite done with the vacation photos, but the end is in sight. Yay!


I think a short passage in this Reuters Photographers blog may have nailed one of the reasons why my interest in sports is limited to football (real football, that is — most of you know this as ‘soccer’):

…there appear to be few sporting images more emotional or exuberant than those “jubo” moments of soccer players celebrating after scoring a goal. The expressions of American football and icehockey players are all too frequently obscured by facemasks. Basketball players seem to err on the side of mean and moody and baseball players appear to be almost permanently underwhelmed. It might be a cultural thing or perhaps just a result of the way those sports are broadcast or sponsored. There certainly isn’t a lack of passion because tempers do fray and fights and arguments are frequent, but there doesn’t seem to be any of the theatricality we see from soccer players, at least not during the game.

A Vogue New Year’s Eve

I don’t guess that I’ll be going — Prairie and I, over the past few years, have found that New Years Eve out and about is often just a bit too much — but it’s nice to see one of my photos in use on the flyer for Monsignior and Roxy’s New Years Eve’ bash!

Flyer under the jump…

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Turtle Butt

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle, originally uploaded by djwudi.

In lieu of actually posting anything truly interesting, I give you one of my favorite shots from our trip to Hawaii this summer (no, I’m still not done working my way through all of them). Prairie and I were snorkeling early in the morning at Carlsmith Beach Park in Hilo, and had brought along a little disposable film waterproof camera. As we floated along, we were joined by a couple of sea turtles, cruising their way through the coral reef and finding their breakfast.