Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.
There are 30 posts previously published on April 2nd
- 2024
- Year 50 Day 336 I suppose these humans I work with are nice enough. ➡
- 📚 Star Trek II Biographies by William Rotsler A fun artifact of this point in Trek’s real-world history. ➡
- 2020
- On This Day: Apr 2 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from April 2 ➡
- 2019
- A thought I’ve had on occasion, and has resurfaced thanks to India’s anti-satellite test threatening the ISS: What if the reason we’ve never heard from an alien race is that they all ended up with so much orbital junk that they can’t safely leave their planet anymore? ➡
- Book twenty-eight of 2019: My Life as a White Trash Zombie, by Diana Rowland. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 📚 An enjoyable bit of modern zombie fun. Superficial similarities to I, Zombie (recently dead 20-something woman works in a morgue for easy access to brains), but goes its own way. ➡
- 2017
- Got another good long (windy) walk in today. Just over four miles this time! ➡
- Chucks of the day (51/53): specked tan hightops with brown laces. #chucks #converse ➡
- Linkdump for March 31st through April 2nd An automatically generated list of links that caught my eye between March 31st and April 2nd. • Rosie’s Phenomenal Precision Insult Machine! • Joss Whedon's obsession is not feminism • Of dwarves and gender • On Wm. Golding's Lord of the Flies • What's Wrong With Using The Word 'Gypsy?' ➡
- 2016
- Book fourteen of 2016: The Liar, by Stephen Fry. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (93/366) ➡
- 2015
- I had to. At least once. :) #nwc38 ➡
- 2014
- 2011
- Ellensburg Update So, the next few months are going to be a mix of some fun part-time work drawing on my geek tendencies and generally relaxing and exploring western Washington, with a jaunt over to Norwescon come Easter weekend. I think it's going to be a good spring and summer. ➡
- 2009
- Crazy Like A Fax Back in 1996, this fax came in at the job I was working. We saved it for a month, then were going to throw it away when I decided that it was too gloriously insane to lose. I laminated it for safekeeping, and have had it ever since then. Gotta love the crazy. ➡
- Links for April 1st through April 2nd Sometime between April 1st and April 2nd, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! • Easy Auto-Download of TV Programs From Usenet • Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites • Family Guy == Unfunny • Where Gadgets Go to Die: Facility Strips, Rips and Recycles • Wrong Tomorrow ➡
- 2005
- Spring Forward Don't forget to set your clocks forward an hour before you go to bed tonight, everyone! (And thanks to Prairie for reminding me, otherwise I would have...) ➡
- The War Prayer O Lord God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with pale forms of their patriotic dead... ➡
- Bye Pope Pope John Paul II is dead. ➡
- It’s all in the name… From an IRC conversation in #flickr this morning: how I first caught Prairie's eye, and some very abnormal psychology. ➡
- 2004
- PDA stylesheet tester? Is there an online resource that will display a webpage as if it were being viewed on a handheld PDA device? ➡
- Sick Well, I survived my three days of long hours helping out at one of the other stores in the area. Unfortunately, pushing myself that hard seems to have resulted in my picking up a really nasty little bug. ➡
- 2003
- Coalition Members and Human Rights Flipping through these two very sobering documents, I was reminded of the hypocrisy behind members of the coalition that are so blatantly careless in regards to human rights. So, I give you the following — an introduction to the members of Bush's coalition against Iraq, as presented by their records for human rights. ➡
- 80 days (Where were you, part 2) Time Magazine has a special issue out now where to celebrate their 80th anniversary, they pick eighty days that changed the world — their choice for the 80 most important days of the past 80 years. ➡
- Coalition member nations? Quick question (though I doubt I'll get a quick answer) — is there a list of which nations are members of the U.S. coalition in the war against Iraq anywhere? ➡
- Stay out of Photoshop An L.A. Times photographer has just been fired after it was discovered that the photo he submitted and ended up getting placed on the front page had been digitally manipulated. ➡
- The news in type Here's an interesting ongoing art/design project: The news in type. Each day, the designer is taking one headline and finding a way to render it typographically. ➡
- Seamless City San Francisco photographer Michael Koller is working on a project he calls Seamless City — a continously stitched together photograph of a thirty mile walk around San Francisco. ➡
- 2002
- A little money trickles in Well, I got some good news today. Not a job yet, but at least a little extra funds coming my way. ➡
- New toy This is too cool. Yesterday evening I was talking with Melvin (my landlord), and he gave me a new toy to play with! ➡
- 2001
- Been a busy weekend I'm rapidly discovering just how amazingly long Fridays are going to be for me for the foreseeable future -- in essence, I've got a gauranteed minimum of 22 hours up every Friday. ➡